✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 5 ✈︎

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Double update

After lunch, the seven of them exchanged numbers and said their goodbyes before heading to where they were meant to be.

Yoongi entered the studio and landed promptly in his chair. Namjoon settled into the chair next to him. The name "hoseok" circulated inside of yoongi's mind.

"I swear I've heard that name before. I just can't remember where I heard it." He thought to himself as he spun his chair towards the desk in defeat.

❀ ❀ ❀

As jimin and jungkook hurried into the dance studio, hoseok unhurriedly walked behind them. They spent the first five minutes chatting and stretching. Once they had finished, they began dancing. Hoseok's mind was being occupied by thoughts of his childhood friend, however, he let them dissipate as he travelled into a world of dance.

After dancing for quite a while, the three of them were sitting on the floor, talking and laughing.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Hoseok turned his head towards jungkook, who was sitting with a mystified expression on his face. "You've been very quiet."

"I'm just tired." He said as he stood up and walked over to the door. "I'm gonna go, bye." He waved to them and before jimin and jungkook could say anything, he had already left the studio.

Hoseok wandered around campus and enjoyed the cool breeze brushing against his face before heading to his dorm room. He walked up to the door and twisted the handle. Seokjin was laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone, and taehyung was sat on the floor, playing video games.

"Oh! Hobi, you came here earlier than usual." Seokjin intimated in surprise.

"Yeah! You normally come back from dance very late." Taehyung concurred.

"I was just really tired." He claimed as he trudged languidly towards his bed and flopped down onto it.

"Go take a shower first." Seokjin said. Hoseok merely hummed in response. He stood up, grabbed a pair of clothes and walked over to the bathroom.

After his shower, he walked towards taehyung and sat down on the floor beside him.

"Are you gonna play the game with me?" He enquired in excitement. Hoseok nodded as taehyung passed him a controller with a huge smile displayed across his face.

"You've gotten better at this," Taehyung said as they played the game, "but not enough to beat me."

"We'll see if I beat you or not." Hoseok stated with a tiny smirk lingering upon his lips. Momentarily, he killed taehyung's character in the game and won the round.

"Yes!" Hoseok yelled in triumph. He looked back at taehyung, who was sat with astonishment flickering in his eyes.

"How did you beat me?" He questioned. "Did you cheat?"

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders and grinned. The two boys looked behind their shoulders to find seokjin laughing silently at them.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"It's just funny that you beat tae in a video game yet you're the same person who was amazed about using a cheese crater as if you never new they existed." He joked.

"Hey! Cooking and gaming have nothing to do with each other." Hoseok protested with a pout.

"Whatever you say." Seokjin replied with a shrug.

"One more round?" Taehyung asked in determination.

"Bring it on." Hoseok challenged.

❀ ❀ ❀

Jimin and jungkook both finished dance practice and hurried back to their dorm rooms. Jimin spent most of the time telling jungkook about his and hoseok's friendship, how disordered their friend group was and how it was like to have a chaotic genius as a roommate.

"Right, I'll see you tomorrow." Jimin said. He waved to him before walking to his dorm room.

"Bye." Jungkook responded. He walked into his dorm room and was greeted by the sight of yoongi laying in his bed staring at the ceiling.

"Hey." He said before walking towards his bed.

"Hi." yoongi answered back. He sat up in his bed and turned towards jungkook. "You brought your Nintendo switch with you, right?"

"Yeah, it's in my bag. Why?" Jungkook asked.

"Lets play a game." He said.

"Woah! Yoongi playing a video game? I never thought this moment would happen." Jungkook said as he reached inside of his backpack and pulled out the gaming console.

"You act as if I'm old." Yoongi scoffed.

"You are old." Jungkook stated audaciously.

Yoongi stood up, walked over to jungkook's bed and sat down beside him.

"Wanna bet?" Yoongi asked.

"Only if you're willing to lose." Jungkook sassed as he handed a controller to yoongi.

They both looked at each other with determination burning in their eyes before starting the game.

______________✈︎ ✈︎ ✈︎_______________

Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening/Good night
How are you?
How's your day been?
Don't forget to drink water
I love you 🥺💞💞

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