✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 6 ✈︎

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As it neared 9pm, yoongi and jungkook managed to play five rounds together. They both agreed that they would play three rounds, however, jungkook won all three so yoongi insisted on playing two more rounds and won them both but he still lost the bet.

"I still won even though you were the one who asked to play more rounds." Jungkook giggled.

"I still won two though." Yoongi protested.

"I won three," Jungkook bragged, "so I still won."

"Fine." Yoongi sighed in defeat as he walked over to his bed and sat down.

"So do you admit that you're old?" Jungkook teased.

"Shut up. We're only two years apart." Yoongi said.

"That's still 104 weeks. 730 days. 17520 hours. 1051200 minutes. 63072000 se-"

"Alright I'm old! But how do you know all of that?" Yoongi quizzed.

"Because I'm smart." Jungkook said.

"Didn't you get 4 marks on a test?" Now it was yoongi's turn to do the teasing.

"They didn't give us enough time to do it." Jungkook complained.

"The test was an hour long though." Yoongi said.

"Still not enough time." Jungkook claimed as he crossed his arms and pouted cutely.

"Alright then." Yoongi said, shrugging his shoulders. He grabbed his phone began to scroll through his social media.

"You're always on your phone." Jungkook complained. "Can't you spend more time with me, as your best friend?"

"I'm your roommate, I've been playing Mario kart with you for the past half an hour and you are always gaming so you can't complain to me saying I go on my phone too much." Yoongi quipped. "If you want someone to hang out with so badly, then go to jimin."

"I will go to jimin." Jungkook interjected. "After I take a shower."

He grabbed a pile of clothes and walked towards the bathroom. After 10 minutes had passed, jungkook exited the bathroom, put on some shoes and was ready to leave the room before yoongi interrupted him.

"Who's dorm are you going to?" He asked.

"Jimin and namjoon's." Jungkook responded.

"Jimin and namjoon are roommates?"

"Yeah. I'll ask namjoon if he wants to come over here to hang out with you." Jungkook mentioned.

"Shouldn't you text jimin first before going over to their room?" Yoongi suggested.

"Oh right!" Jungkook said as he grabbed his phone and began to text jimin.

Jk: Can I come over to
your dorm?

Jimin: Yeah sure

Jk: Yay thank you

Could you also ask namjoon
if he wants to come to me
and yoongi's dorm cuz I
don't want yoongi to be

Jimin: He said yes

Jk: okay great See ya

Jimin: bye bye

"Jimin said namjoon's coming over." Jungkook informed yoongi.

"Okay bye." Yoongi said. Jungkook waved to yoongi before walking out of the door and heading towards jimin's dorm room.

______________✈︎ ✈︎ ✈︎_______________

It's funny how I can think of story ideas in seconds out of the most random things but I don't write them.
I just thought of 5 new story ideas in the past 30 minutes and I don't even know when I'm going to start writing them.
I haven't even finished writing this book as well so feel free to call me a dumbass. 🤩🤩

Anyways I love you 🥺💕💕💕

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