✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 22 ✈︎

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The next day, namjoon and jimin hung out with the rest of boys and they said their goodbyes. On Saturday, the two boys woke up, got ready and changed their clothes.

Jimin wore a white knitted sweater with black trousers and black shoes. Namjoon was wearing a black and white stripped shirt, which was tucked into his black trouser, and a pair of timberland boots.

They grabbed their luggage, along with their phones and wallets, and sauntered out of the dorm. They walked towards the bus stop, holding hands.

Once they sat down inside the bus, jimin brought out his phone and his earphones. He plugged them into his phone and turned on the music. Namjoon looked over towards jimin, took one of the earphones and placed it in his ear.

"This is a nice song," Namjoon said, "What's it called?"

"The genre is hip hop and it has an acoustic guitar in it." Jimin mimicked.

"Are you mocking me?" Namjoon asked as turned towards jimin.

"Maybe." Jimin said, shrugging his shoulders.

Namjoon chuckled as he brought out his phone, "You're listening to Instagram by Dean, aren't you?"

"How did you know?" Jimin asked, looking at namjoon in confusion.

"We have the same playlist, you dumbass." Namjoon replied.

Jimin looked over at namjoon's phone and his phone repeatedly, "We do?"

"All the songs you've listened to, sent to me or told me to listen to when we were in high school are on my playlist." Namjoon said.

"Really? But how did you know they're on my playlist." Jimin asked.

"We used to listen to music on our way to and back from school," Namjoon explained, "did you forget?"

"No, how could I forget?" Jimin said.

Namjoon smiled at the younger. Soon after, they got off of the bus and walked into the vast train station. As the train stopped in front of them, they stepped inside, placed their luggage on the luggage rack and sat down.

After a while, namjoon brought out a book from his bag and began to read.

"Are you still reading To Kill a Mockingbird?" Jimin asked.

"No, I'm reading A Time to Kill." Namjoon said.

"Do you like killing or something? Why do all these book titles have the word 'kill' in them?" Jimin questioned.

"The crucible doesn't have the word 'kill' in it. An inspector calls doesn't have the word 'kill' in it. The stranger doesn't have the word 'kill' in it. Sky, Wind and Stars doesn't have-"

"Alright, alright. You proved your point." Jimin said, "So, what is it about?"

"It's about a young black girl who gets raped and beaten up by these two white men. The two men tie her up and do whatever they want to here and leave her there. They go to a bar nearby and brag about what they did. The family sent out a search party to go find her and when they found her, the dad carried her to their house. Then, the dad grabbed a gun and went to the bar that the two men were at and shot them. For the rest of the book, the dad was put on trial." Namjoon explained.

"Did the dad get released?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know. I haven't finished it yet." Namjoon said.

For the rest of the train ride, jimin and namjoon read the book and managed to finish it. Once they had arrived in Busan, they grabbed their luggage from the luggage rack and walked off of the train. They held hands as they walked through the city.

Once they had arrived in front of the grandma's rice cake shop, they opened the door and walked in.

"Granny!" Jimin exclaimed as he rushed towards his grandma and hugged her.

"Hi minie! I missed you." His grandma said, hugging him back.

"I missed you too, granny." Jimin replied.

"Who's this?" She asked, looking at namjoon.

"This is Namjoon, remember?" Jimin said.

"Oh, hi namjoon! Long time no see." The grandma replied.

"Hello." Namjoon said bashfully.

"He's my boyfriend now." Jimin said.

"Really? Yay, you're not single anymore." The grandma joked.

"Granny!" Jimin complained.

"Just joking," She laughed, "Now go unpack your things."

"Ok." Jimin smiled as he walked up the stairs with his luggage.

"We have a lot of catching up to do." The grandma said, turning towards namjoon.

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Are you excited for Christmas? 🥺
I don't celebrate it but I hope everyone else has a great time💖💖

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