✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 24 ✈︎

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After the clock struck had struck twelve, yoongi and jungkook walked back to their dorm and went to sleep. The five boys hung out at each other's dorm rooms until wednesday while namjoon and jimin spent time with jimin's grandma in Busan.

In the afternoon of Christmas day, yoongi was laying down on his bed with his eyes closed. His phone, which was placed on the floor beside his bed, began to buzz. Yoongi groaned as he picked up his phone and checked his notification.

Hobi💖: Hey do you want to go out today?

                         Yoonie🥺: Sure what time?

Hobi💖: How about at 8?

                          Yoonie🥺: Ok see you later

Hobi💖: See you

Yoongi placed his phone back on the floor and stared up at the ceiling with a tiny smile on his face.

❀ ❀ ❀

After a few hours, Jungkook got up from his bed, changed his clothes and headed towards seokjin, taehyung and hoseok's dorm. He knocked on the door and was greeted by seokjin.

"You don't need to knock, you know? You can just walk in." Seokjin said, ruffling the younger's hair.

"It's a habit." Jungkook smiled. They closed the door behind them and sat down. Taehyung smiled at jungkook and sat down beside him.

"It's Christmas today. Should we go outside?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure! Consider it a date." Taehyung replied.

"I'll go change." Seokjin said as he stood up, grabbed some clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

After a while, taehyung and seokjin had dressed up and were ready to leave. Seokjin wore a pink oversized hoodie with black trousers and black trainers and taehyung wore a red jumper with black trousers and shoes, accompanied by a dark blue beret.

"Let's go." Seokjin said as he opened the door. Jungkook stood up and followed his boyfriends out of the door.

The three of them walked together to a park nearby. They sat down on a bench and watched the turquoise-blue river wound its way through the park. As it babbled and burbled, it splashed against the sides of the canal. The radiance of the sun shone onto the surface of the river, causing it to glimmer like fireflies floating and lighting up the night sky. It was glinting with little sparkles, like a thousand diamonds blessed with an inner fire.

After a while of talking and admiring the river in front of them, seokjin placed his small black backpack on his lap and opened it. He took out two sandwiches and two bottles of juice and handed the food to the two boys sitting on either side of him.

"You're not eating?" Jungkook asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Not hungry. I'll eat later." Seokjin replied.

"You didn't eat all morning though." Taehyung said.

"I'll be fine. I'll eat when I'm hungry." Seokjin said, taking a sip of water from his water bottle.

The three of them continued to talk and eat as they took pictures of each other.

"I'm glad I brought my polaroid camera." Seokjin said as he looked at all the pictures they had taken.

"Let's make a photo album." Jungkook suggested.

"I've got a spare folder so we can use that." Taehyung said. The three of them smiled at each other as they continued to have fun at the frosted park.

❀ ❀ ❀

In Busan, namjoon and jimin said their goodbyes to jimin's grandma and walked out of the house, hand in hand. They walked towards a coffee shop, sat down at a table near the window and ordered two mugs of hot chocolate.

Jimin stared out of the window and watched as the snowflakes floated in the breeze before landing on the frosted floor.

"Are you a chionophile too?" Namjoon asked, sipping his hot chocolate.

"You keep on using smart words that I don't understand," Jimin said as he rolled his eyes, "Do you want me to carry a dictionary with me all the time?"

"It means someone who loves snow or cold weather." Namjoon chuckled.

"I don't like cold weather but I do like snow." Jimin said, bringing the edge of the mug up to his lips.

After they had drank their hot chocolate, they strolled around the city whilst holding hands. Jimin noticed a huge pile of snow beside him. He grabbed a handful of it, shaped it into a sphere and chucked it at namjoon.

Namjoon turned around, grabbed a pile of snow and threw it at jimin. However, jimin narrowly dodged it. He giggled as namjoon pouted and grabbed another handful of snow. This time, it hit jimin's arm. For a while, they continued to have a snowball fight until the supply of snow ended.

"I won!" Jimin yelled in truimph as he skipped towards his boyfriend and linked arms with him.

"Let's go back." Namjoon chuckled as they walked back to the house.

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Merry Christmas 🥺💖💖

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