✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 2 ✈︎

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12 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿...

Yoongi packed his suitcase and laid down promptly onto his bed. He was moving back to Seoul after studying abroad in America for 12 years. His best friend, jungkook, sat down beside him.

"You're tired already? Don't fall asleep yet. We have a 12 hour flight to get on in a few hours so save the sleeping until then." Jungkook remarked.

Jungkook had very luminous eyes. It was as if they held the universes in them. His face is very round with strong aeygo sal and his bunny-like smile was adorable.

Yoongi groaned in return. He sat upright and moved his large, grey suitcase into the living room where jungkook's luggage was.

On the flight, Yoongi looked up from his phone and peeked at jungkook, who was gazing out of the window in awe. He smiled imperceptibly as he grabbed a bag of crisps and offered him some. 2 hours later, Yoongi felt something drop lightly onto his shoulder. He turned to his left to find jungkook sleeping soundly next to him. He unhurriedly set his phone beside him and drifted off to sleep.

Yoongi's eyes fluttered open as he took a glimpse out of the window. The airplane was sedately approaching the runway. He gently nudged the sleeping boy beside him and reached for his phone. Once the aircraft had safely rolled onto the runway, Yoongi and jungkook retrieved their luggage from the overhead compartment and disembarked from the plane.

As yoongi and jungkook hauled their luggage up to their dorm room, Yoongi twisted the keys into the keyhole and speedily opened the door. Jungkook immediately dashed inside and leapt onto the bed, letting out a deep sigh of exhaustion.

"I hate jet lag." Jungkook mumbled as he let the nondescript duvet devour him.

Yoongi shut the door and left his suitcase beside him before instantaneously collapsing onto the bed. Momentarily, he sat up and observed the room.

The cheap, stripped pine bunk-beds with their rough canvas mattresses were jammed end to end on both sides of the long drafty room. Without the beds, it would seem quite cavernous. Perhaps with its wooden floor and corniced ceiling, it might even seem quite grand, however, it was reminiscent of the economy section of a train carriage. At the end of the central aisle, the light shone dimly through the sombre, mullioned window onto the grey bedding and the grey, ligneous floor. If there was a hue to summarise life in the grandiose dormitory, grey would be it; an anthem for their monotonous lives.

After contemplating for a while, Yoongi stood up and ambled over to his sizeable suitcase and began to place his clothes systematically into the lusterless closet. Jungkook followed his example and positioned his belongings into its correct places.

After unpacking all of their belongings, they both wearily sat down onto their beds. Jungkook pulled out his phone from his pocket and rummaged through his backpack to find his headphones.

"When does school start?" Jungkook asked yoongi while connecting his headphones to his phone.

"Tomorrow." He replied.

Jungkook groaned and placed his head onto his pillow.

"But that's fine because we have only two days left until the weekend." Yoongi stated.

"Oh okay then." Jungkook responded.

Yoongi examined the time. It was 21:42pm. He walked over to the closet, picked out an oversized, plain white t-shirt and black sweatpants and walked over to the bathroom. After changing into a more comfier outfit, yoongi sauntered to his bed and, consequently, drowsed off to sleep. Within an hour, jungkook gradually drifted off to sleep.

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