Chapter 9

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"What? Ulrich, you can't be serious." Said Adolpha. We were back upstairs with Dakota, Adolpha, and Bayne.

"Yes. I am. He is my son, and he wants to go back. He deserves to go back." Explained my father.

"That's ridiculous. He's a youngling. Mature wolves can't go back, what makes you think he can restrain himself? Or not expose us?" Said Adolpha.

I thought of the way I felt when I turned. How I felt like a passenger in my own mind.

"He is my son. He is capable of doing anything. We've never tried sending anyone back in the human world. We're going to try now."

"This is absurd! There's several reasons why we don't send anyone back. It's dangerous, for us and humans." She said.

Bayne stood to her right, his arms crossed. He constantly looked like he had no desire to be there.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Ulrich. Sending him back alone. Who knows what could happen?" Said Dakota.

"Oh, he surely won't be alone. Bayne is going with him."

Bayne tuned back in.

"You're joking?" Said Bayne.

"No. I'm not. You're a guardian wolf, you can watch over my son and make sure he doesn't do anything foolish. You've been slacking, Bayne. You need some responsibility." Said my father, looking down at him.

Bayne grunted.

"Why should I?"

"Because I said so. I'm pack leader, and what I say goes. You will go with my son. That's an order."

I could practically see steam come from Bayne's ear. He didn't say anything.

"That work for you, Adolpha?" My father asked.

"Fine. He is Bayne's responsibility. Maybe doing some grunt work will teach him to step up." She shot a frustrated look at Bayne.

"They'll leave tomorrow. Dismissed."

Bayne stormed out.

"Don't worry about him, Erin. He's just temperamental. He'll get over it. We better get outside before it's dark." Said Ulrich.

They didn't put me in a cage this time. I didn't know if it was because of my father or because I would just destroy it. My father led me out into the woods. Others were heading out into groups.

"Where are they going?" I asked.

"I've sent them out on missions, some just going to hunt. As it gets darker out, we spend more time as a wolf. Tonight shouldn't be as painful for you." My dad explained.

He was right. It didn't hurt as much. It felt like a fire being lit under my skin, but without the pain. I didn't remember anything after that. It was a dazed feeling. I didn't like it. I didn't know how to control it.

The next day I woke up in the woods again, with no memory of the night before. I was naked again. How could anyone ever get used to this?

I walked back, covering myself. Romulus was there, he tossed me a robe. He didn't seem stunned by my bare appearance. He acted as if he was used to it. We were in his injury room.

"How are you feeling? How's your arm?" He asked.

"Fine, thanks." I said, rubbing my eyes.

I was tired. I couldn't figure out how they lived the way they did. They had to have slept during the day if they were up at night. Could I sleep in werewolf form?

"Tired?" He asked. I let out a yawn.

"You could say that."

"Here." Romulus dug into one of his medicine cabinets and shuffled through it. He then pulled out a tiny glass of a light green liquid. He set it in my hand.

"What's this?" I asked.

"A potion. We have an alliance with a coven of witches nearby. It helps you feel less drowsy during the day."

"This is how you guys function?" I said, staring at the small bottle in my hand.

"Pretty much. You only need a couple drops on your tongue. You should try to sleep at least once a week, though."

I twisted the corked cap off the bottle, and let a couple droplets fall on my tongue. It tasted like dirt and tree bark. It worked in seconds. I had felt like I just woke up from a satisfying nap.

"Whoa." I said.

"Incredible, right?" Said Romulus. 

"Honestly. I feel like I just woke up."

"Just don't overuse it, doing so can cause a burnout. How was your night?" He asked me.

"I honestly can't remember most of it. It scares me. I don't like that I'm not in control."

"It's scary. Especially at first. Overtime you learn to control your mind better, become more competent of what you're doing. But it always feels like it's not only you in there, you know?" Romulus explained.

The closed door flew open. It was Bayne.

"You. We leave in an hour. Meet me out front then." He pointed to me.

"An hour? That's kind of soon. I-."

"Not my problem." Bayne slammed the door and disappeared behind it.

I didn't understand what his issue was with me.

"What's his problem?" I huffed.

"Don't let Bayne get to you, he's like that to everyone. He's always been a bit of a hothead, but  he had a rough time recently, and becoming a guardian isn't really what he wanted."

"I could tell. Why is he on it then?"

"It's complicated. There's rules we have to follow as a pack. Ancient rules. I'm sure Ulrich will explain it to you in time."

"I'm leaving today, actually." I explained.

"We were told. You're a test run. If a youngling can handle going back to a normal life, so can future younglings. They've never done this before, Ulrich must've really taken a liking to you."

He didn't tell people he was my father? I thought about it. A ball of fear formed in my stomach. I felt as if he was embarrassed of me. Perhaps it didn't feel real for him either just yet. I thought I would be happier with my father in my life, but he didn't feel like my father. He still felt like a stranger. I lived my entire life without my father. Perhaps I would continue being just fine.

"You better get ready before Bayne comes back." Said Romulus.

I went to leave, looking back at him.

"Thank you, Romulus."

He gave me a light nod, followed by a warm smile.

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