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*Laura's POV*

The Garrison is packed, there are people singing, people playing music and others up dancing.
We all sit at a table and a round of drinks is rushed over, on the house of course. Wine for the ladies and whiskey for the men.
I'm gasping for a smoke so I take a walk out the front of the pub, it is dark and quiet, I take out my smokes and light one up, taking a long drag I lean my body against the wall.
"Having a nice night?" he says, his voice raspy, it gives me goosebumps.
"Tommy, I didn't see you there, yes I'm having the best time, your family really know how to have a party."
Tommy is walking towards the door, getting closer to where I am, "Just try not to fall off your stool tonight" he smiles and looks deep into my eyes. He sucks his teeth, gives me a once over with his eyes and walks back indoors.
"Shit Laura, You're so clumsy" I say, face-palming.

The party is in full swing as I walk back into The Garrison. John strolls up to me and drags me out for a dance, he's not shy, he grabs my waist, pulls me in close and starts to twirl around to the music. The alcohol, the fresh air and now being spun around by John is making my head spin and I feel super drunk.
"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever fucking seen" he says, the smell of alcohol on his breath mixed with his cologne has me intoxicated.
I'm wearing my black silk slip dress, his hand slips over my waist and to the small of my back. The alcohol has worked its magic and my inhibitions are low, I don't mind John flirting and caressing me. He leans in and gives me a kiss on the mouth, it's unexpected but nice. His lips are soft and wet. I can feel his excitement pressing into my leg!!!

From the corner Arthur gives a wolf whistle and John looks like the cat who got the cream. I glance over and see Tommy, he's not looking up, he's looking into his whiskey glass and seems miles away. I'm lost in his beauty and sadness. Did he notice me locking lips with his younger brother. Would he care? I doubt it. Anyway, he has some blonde hanging on his arm to keep him company.

"Let's go out just you and me somewhere tomorrow ay?" John's proposition pulls me back to reality, his whisper in my ear gives me a shiver. It's been a long time since a man has held me like this. "Em, yeah that sounds nice John." I reply going pink in the cheeks.
John is a nice boy, he's handsome and showing interest. Why not go on a date and see what happens. Tommy isn't interested... In me anyway...

John leans in for another kiss and I let him. I catch Tommy's eye and he turns and takes his blonde prize in his arms and kisses her passionately.
The night carried on in a drink filled blur, I don't remember much.
I do remember John trying to come in to my bedroom at the end of the night, but I'm not ready for that, I don't give it up so easy.

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