Mom and daughter time.

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***a month later***

Today school was cancelled because of tornado warning. Great now I get to stay home with my "lovely" mother.

After rolling out of bed at around 11 o'clock I decided it was time to eat some food. When I walked into the kitchen I was surprised to see my mom drinking coffee. Usually she sleeps all day or stays in her room.

"Hey kiddo" she said. "Erm hi mom." This is odd. "I have a killer head ache from all my drinking lately I think I'll lay off on it for a few days." Well this has never happened before. I guess I'll just go with it. "So when's dad coming home, anytime soon." Guess I should ask even though I don't really care to be honest. It's not like it makes much of difference if he's here or selling drugs somewhere. "He should be home in like 3 days. So I'm gonna be sober until then so I can get this house cleaned and do a few things." Let's see how long she can last.
"Okay mom." I say as I start cooking a baked potato. "Babe I'm sorry I've been kind of a shitty mother to you maybe we can watch a movie tonight to have some mother daughter time okay." Okay maybe my mom is actually not as bad as I thought. At least when she's sober."That sounds great." "Alright now I'm gonna go change because I look like shit and than go grocery shopping." "Alright get some Nutella while your there please."
Last night was great me and my mom watched a movie and had a great time. It was weird because she was completely sober and she seemed to actually care about me. At dinner she asked all kinds of questions about school and my friends and I even told her about Sam I obviously didn't mention the fact that he is becoming abusive but that didn't matter at the time. What matters is that my mom actually cares about me for once and I really like it.
Today's Friday and Sam keeps bugging me about going to this stupid party. Well not really bugging but threatening that I have to go. I really don't want to go but I also don't want him to get mad and hurt me again so I'll just go.
Once I get to school I head to my locker to get my books and I see Leslie waiting there for me. Her blonde hair is curled and she's wearing a black blazer with I white shirt underneath, pink skinny jeans, and black boots. "Hey Leslie" I say while spinning the lock around.
"Hey girlie you ready for that party tonight."
"Ugh don't remind me."
"Wait you don't want to go."
"Not really it's just that Sam is practically forcing me to go so he can show me off to all his friends."
"Oh we'll then don't go just tell him your sick or something."
" I can't I don't want him to get mad."
"We'll I'll be there if you want to leave early I'll take you."
"Thanks les."
We walk to our classes mine being Spanish and hers being some computer class. "See ya at lunch" "bye"
After school I go home and do some homework so I don't have to worry about it later. By the time I'm done its 5 o'clock. Sam should be here by 8 so thats plenty of time to get dressed and do my hair and makeup.
I do my hair first simply just curling it. Than I do the smokey eye look and put a simple coat of foundation on to cover any blemishes. After I'm done hair and makeup I put on a short tight black skirt and a white blouse over top. Than I put on some black heels to match and grab my purse. I'm about to head downstairs when my phone beeps.
From: Sam
I'm outside. Hope you look hot babe;)
Boyfriend of the year everybody. Note my sarcasm.
Okay be there in a sec.
Don't take too long.
I go downstairs and out the door sure enough there's Sam in his dark blue truck. I walk down towards it and get in. "Hey babe." He says while giving me a peck on the lips. "Hi" "so you ready to get down and dirty with your sexy boyfriend." Ha cocky are we "totally babe." I say with a smirk. I try to just pretend that night never happened. That he really is a decent boyfriend sometimes. But I'm constantly reminded he's not a decent boyfriend every time he gets mad or I do something he doesn't like.

Once we arrive I can here the music blaring through the house and I can practically taste the alcohol from here. We get inside and are greeted by Sams drunk friend Ryder. "Heeeyyy theerrre." "Erm hey Ryder." I say trying to sound nice. "Hey man where are the drinks." Sam says from behind me. Great I'm sure drunk Sam is not someone I want to be around. "In the kitchen duuuhh." Ryder says drunkenly. "Yeah obviously but where's the kitchen." Sam says raising his voice. "Oh over thureee." Ryder says while pointing a finger towards a hallway. "Okay thanks." I say as Sam pulls me towards the alcohol.
It's now 11 o'clock and Sam is completely wasted he keeps on trying to make out with me or kiss on my neck but I'm really not having it because he's drunk.
"Come on babe let's dance." He says while he pulls me to the crowd of people dancing. "Um I don't really want to dance Sam." Please don't get mad. please don't get mad. "I didn't fucking ask if you want to dance let's go." He yells as he yanks my arm with him as he storms through the people. The grip he has on my arm hurts extremely bad. "Sam please just let go of me." He turns around giving me a death glare. "Don't you tell me what to do were going to dance and your gonna shake your little ass off until I tell you to stop." He yells as he yet again pulls me to the crowd of sweaty grinding teenagers.
Once were towards the middle of the crowd Sam grabs my hips and turns me around guiding my hips to grind on his front. He roughly pulls me as close as I can be against him. I start moving my bum against his crotch in hopes that he will loosen his grip. He grabs a fist full of my long brown hair and pulls my head back as he whispers in my ear. "I'm gonna punish you for being a bad bad girl Shane."
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Next chapter expect a certain curly haired boy.

The picture in the side is who i picture Shane's mom as.

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