~ Storm~

"hey mom my gosh I miss you so much"

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"hey mom my gosh I miss you so much"

I gave her the biggest hug that I could have given her .

She wasn't able to speak just yet but she was able to hear me and that's all that matter.

Looking at her condition she seem so hurt as both her legs were wrap there was bandages all over her body and her right arm had a cask on it.

Her head was also covered up so i can't imagine how bad that accident really was.

" your friend mrs Jennifer she's been taking good care of me mom"

Tear had starting to pile up as my eyes began to become blurry.

Not wanting to cry my eyes release that feeling  anyway.

My hands was wet from the puddles that splash on them.

" good evening I'm doctor Jones, I've been taking care of your mother since she been in my care" he said placing the clipboard on the table.

" oh thank you  so, so much for taking care of her this means a lot to me. How's she doing"

He's face wasn't showing me she was good nor was it showing me that she was in a bad position either.

" she fighting and as long as she fighting then she'll be fine I can promise you that. She's a very strong women that I do believe "

Hearing those words made me feel  a lot better knowing this I feel as if I could sleep a little better at night.

" I appreciate that doctor if it's okay I wanted to sit with her for a little longer"

He nodded his head as he gather my mother's paperwork.

" of course visiting hours end in thirty mins enjoy your time with her".

He left me alone with my mother, and I pulled up a chair to feel as if I was close to her as possible.

I position my arm as a pillow as I watch my mother that's hook on machine fight for her life.


My night was drained as I walked into the house.

" hey honey how are you feeling" Jennifer ask me

I look over to see she had company of her own in the living room.

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