~ Santiago ~

three years is a long time since I've spoken to my mother

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three years is a long time since I've spoken to my mother.

To be honest I didn't feel bad about it.

After getting off the phone with storm shows me how much I really want her back but I know she haven't forgiven me.

Now a feee man I wander the streets until I came across my old home.

I noticed a family sitting at the dinner table enjoying their meal, and I only wish to have had that same thing when I was there.

Adjusting my bags on my shoulders I look down at my phone to make out where Storm phone ping at.

Half way down the road I noticed a flower shop and went straight for it since it was still open.

" welcome. let me know if you need help with anything sir" the lady told me

I watch as she stood on top of the ladder to place some roses into a vase.

" uh yeah actually I do I'm looking for a girl name Storm" I mentioned.

Without turning around i think she knew who I was.

" I'm sorry that name doesn't ring a bell to Me"

Looking around the shop I spotted a picture frame with the exact same women and Storm beside her.

" you sure about that ." I asked again while tapping the frame on the counter.

Dropping her head she came back down off the ladder and walked behind the counter.

Our eyes connected before I look away.

" what do you want with her? I'm pretty sure she wants nothing to do with you"

" I come in peace I just need to speak with her that's it and after that I'm gone."

She gave me the "I can't do that" look and I felt my mood shifting.

" okay and what if I knew who she is why would I help you after what you put her through" she came with attitude.

" you right. You don't have to help me at all but I just really need to talk with her so will you help me or not?"

She folded her arms as if she knew she wanted to help but still was refusing.

" damn man, look I can only give you her number I'm pretty sure she doesn't want you knowing where she stay"

Knowing that I already have her number I just played dumb.

" thank you"

" mhmm" she rolled her eyes before walking to the back office.

Front door open

" hey Chanel girl you want believe the night I had"

Recognizing that sweet soft voice anywhere I turn around and I couldn't believe my eyes.

She was beyond gorgeous, and I waited for her to look my way but her friend came back.

" here you go sir have a nice day"

Walking back towards the door my eyes couldn't stay off her as I watch the way she swayed pass me.

Her friend look at me before she gesture her head for me to leave before Storm noticed.

Once out the door i had no intentions on leaving so I waited around the store until Storm back came out.

Moments later a car pulled up and mrs Lyles was exiting out the vehicle.

" shit she can't no I'm here" I said walking away from the store and cutting into an alley.

Praying this wasn't going to be a long night I sat on a box and waited for when the time was right.

The evening peek through and the rain started to pour.

Without a coat of course I was getting soaked.

After five long hours I noticed Storm getting into her car.

Wow she has her own car and place

As she backed out the parking lot I look around to have my prayers answer.

I waited for the elder lady to get out her car as she slowly walked into the shop.

Making my move I quickly rush in before putting the car in reverse and following down behind her.

It was a ten minute drive as she pulled into a building surrounded with apartments.

Pulling off on the side of the road I got out and walk the rest of the way.

Still having eyes on her I waited for her to walked up the steps before I followed.

Now standing in front of her door I began looking through her window that was crack a little.

" uh sir do you need help with something? " a man asked while coming up the steps.

Clearing my throat I gave a smile.

" yeah actually my wife lock me out the house and I lost my key it's all good" I lied.

He gave me this weird look before tending back to his business.

" oh okay I know what you mean, anyway have a nice evening"

" same to you sir" I waited for him to get into his place before I felt my hand ball into a fist.

I knocked on the door three times before I heard a dog barking.

With no answer I knocked again and this time I could her footsteps approaching.

" stop barking pebbles mommy about to see who this is"

My heart drop as I could hear the locks getting unlocked.

The door slowly open up, and I took in the fact that she was standing before me in only a robe.

" yes can I help you" her voice said with nervousness all through it.

moving the dreads out my face I could her gasp and I smirk.

" hey" I spoke


No was all she said before I caught her as she pass out.

Damn Storm.

picking her up bridal style once again, I carried her back into the building while closing the door behind us.

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