~ Santiago ~

I watch as her lovely Carmel naked body lay peacefully on my silk sheets

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I watch as her lovely Carmel naked body lay peacefully on my silk sheets.

She felt so amazing last night, just mind blowing.

My fingers reach into her soft curls as she moved around a bit.

"Mmm I'm not ready to get up just yet, thanks to you" she said.

I smirk before rubbing my hand up and down her shoulder.

" well your very welcome" I responded

Pulling the blankets over her I got up and enter the bathroom as I did my daily routine.

" hey sj your phone is going off over here" Storm yelled out to me.

Peeking my head out i noticed her still laying on her side now watching tv.

" thanks I'll get it in a minute" I said with my mouth full with toothpaste.

Few minutes pass as I was now Finish in the bathroom, and I walked over to the nightstand.

Touching my screen it was a text from my mother wanting to meet up.

Sighing out loud I toss my phone back down and I crawled back into bed.

" what do you say about going out with me maybe to the park or for a run" I question

She gave me a look that I know all to well and all I could do was laugh.

" actually I thought about hanging around here for a bit then Later I wanted to go see my mom"

" oh well if you want I can give you a ride to the hospital when I get back how's that sound?"

She shifted my way so now I can see her gorgeous face.

" sounds good,  and thank you again, you and your mom I'm very grateful"

Clearing my throat I wanted to really tell her that I know more about what happen to her mom then what I'm letting on.

" it's no problem in fact I'm glad my mother took you in it's a bunch of crazy people out here now".

Getting up I fumble through my closet to grab some slides and I pulled my jacket off the hanger.

" I'll be back" I told her placing a kiss on her forehead

" take your time, I'll keep myself busy" she smiled.

The evening came faster than I expected as the meeting with my mother did not go as plan.

Walking back into the house storm was sitting at the kitchen table.

Walking behind her I wrap my arms around her waist And kiss her cheek but quickly moved.

" your on FaceTime?" I mouth and embarrassed when I heard her friend yelling through the phone.

Storm nodded her head as some of her curls fell on her face.

" girl stop he's just a friend" I heard her say and I raised a brow.

She then ended the call before giving me her full attention.

" just a friend huh? " I repeated

" um yeah, were friends right?"

Getting out of my own thoughts I went towards the fridge.

" yeah of course just friends, so you ready to see your mom" I said twirling the keys on the table

She jump up with excitement before grabbing her phone

" yeah I'm ready, let's go"

Walking into the hospital building was the last visit on my mind.

The fact that I'm the one who put her mother here was eating at me..

Badly then ever.

" you want to come In" she asked,  but I declined the offer.

" nah you go ahead I'll wait by the door" I insisted.

Just seeing the damage that I've done was painful to look at.

Not wanting to look much longer,  I turn my back against the door as I drop my head while waiting on Storm to finish.

" okay I'm ready" she said as a tear came crashing down her pretty face.

" h—how she holding up?"

She shrugged her shoulders before collapsing in my arms.

" I miss her so bad. I hate seeing her like this" she cried In my chest.

Biting my jaws I gave Storm sometime to cry  before I walked her back into the truck.

" listen" pauses for a second " I have something to talk to you about.

" yeah what's up"

Gripping on to the steering wheel I decided right now wasn't the right time.

" you want to lay with me tonight I'll be here to keep you company that's it" I asked

A smile form across her face and I already knew what my answer was.

" come on let's go home" I told her with ease in my voice.

I'm so screwed.....

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