~ Three years later ~

~ Storm ~

" mom stop with the pictures already" i said shielding my face from her camera

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" mom stop with the pictures already" i said shielding my face from her camera.

" but sweetie I can't help it my baby turn 19 today, and she already moving into her own apartment"

I watch the excitement and the proudness of how a mother should be all over her face.

It made me feel really good inside.

I was the most happiest girl when I received the call telling me that my mother was going to make a full recovery and she was awake.

Three years ago the incident with sj and his mother came to end after he turned himself in and told the police everything they needed to know.

The reason for this was over a big promotion that his mother would not received, as my mother became the ceo over Jennifer fathers company.

With that happening my mother was making more than what Jennifer was making, and her father cut Jennifer out of his will after a long history of stealing the family business money.

So having money was as you can see a big deal for her.

She later took it upon herself to handle the situation which involved having my mother killed in that accident.

If she was successful, Jennifer would have been able to reclaim her spot as the next ceo in Line once her father passed.

Crazy enough for you?... yeah it was to me.

" what's your plans for your birthday honey?"

I don't know yet hopefully finding peace with myself but I think I'm starting to gain that back." I smiled

" that's my girl now give me some more  poses" she said as her camera went back at it with the flashes.

The evening slowly approach as I pulled into my apartment after a short shift at work.

Yes your girl got a job. It's just full time working at a flower shop with Chanel since she the owner.

Walking Inside pebbles met me at the door stepping all over my boots.

" hey girl, i miss you so so much" I said rubbing her belly.

Dropping my keys on the kitchen counter I walked over to the cabinet to get her some food.

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