~ Storm ~

We made it back into the apartment before sj laid me down on the couch

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We made it back into the apartment before sj laid me down on the couch.

Still shaking up about how things went at the diner sj came back handing me some water.

" drink now" he demanded.

Doing as told, I gulp down the water as I could feel myself cooling off and everything coming back to normal.

" what was that I...I saw" I was cut off before he placed a finger on my lips.

" I know.  you saw that i was sick" he said.

And he was right.

" h—how is that even possible I can't have abilities can I?"

I had more questions then ever and it was scaring me.

He took a seat on my coffee table before taking my hands into his.

" your abilities aren't activated just yet, but the fact that your experiencing them means that someone you care about that's dying is causing you to— "

" activate my gift or curse or whatever the hell I got" I interrupted him.

" exactly but I'll be okay" he a sure me but I know something wasn't sitting right.

Sighing out loud I laid back with my arms folded trying to wrap this whole situation to make it make sense.....

And nothing was making any sense.

" okay so I can touch people and it'll show me if their dying or how they'll die?"

Sj nodded his head.

" but with that you also have the gift to heal the people including myself that's dying with the light have you sent that yet?"

Going back for the bathroom at the diner where my hands were changing into a vibrant color I knew what he was talking about.

" y—yes but it still doesn't make any sense how do i have this?"

Sj started coughing as I could see more of those marks appearing on his body, and some peak out on his neck where the collar  of his shirt sat.

Everything was happening too fast and I wanted it to stop.

I didn't want any parts of this curse that was happening to me.

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