~ Santiago ~

This  was my moment it was now or never

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This was my moment it was now or never.

Once out of my seatbelt I lean over and place my lips onto hers.

She kiss back for a second before pulling away.

" no I can't, I can't do this " she said trying to recap what was happening.


" look I'm sorry I don't know what came over me"

Clearing my throat we just stared at each other before she parted her lips.

" it's fine I'm just still worried about my mom and I just got out of a relationship and— I"  I stop her

" you don't have to explain your situation to me alright it's cool I didn't mean to do what I did it won't happen again"

I smiled before catching her tear that tried to get away.

I felt her hand reach across my face as she caress my cheek.

I felt my teeth clenched together and  I couldn't help myself anymore so I lean back over for another kiss.

Expecting to get push off was what I was waiting for, but instead she kiss back and even allow my tongue to invade her home.

" I'm vulnerable right now" she moan in my mouth.

" I know so I want do more than what you allow me to Storm" I then let her lips go.

" I'm here for you as a friend or whatever you want me to be. Your different from the rest"

" I still want that frappe" she joke

I laugh as I rub my thumb across my lips.

" you will get that mocha frappe right now I want to take my time and just enjoy your company." I mentioned

" of course you can right after I get that.."

" frappe damn girl let me take you to McDonald's like now" I said .

Putting the truck into gear  I continue our drive.


I carried Storm in my arms bridal style into the house and was taking back when my mom was in the living room.

" I thought you was sleep" I said

" nope I'm not just took Derek home and wanting to make sure you bought Storm back in one piece" my mother gave me this look and I rolled my eyes

" yeah she good I didn't touch her"

" great because if she found out"

" stop. She won't but you could have told me"

My mother got up and  walk over towards me.

" what good would that would have done? You caused that damn crash and now she your responsibility if her mother doesn't pull through"

" and she will mom, you the one who wanted me to do that because she have some money that's yours"

" will talk later go lay her down"

" no will not, I'm going to sleep after this"

Not wanting to hear anymore I placed Storm into my room and closed door.

Debating whether I wanted to lock it or not I went Ahead and push the lock.

" this is not my room" I hear a soft voice say

" shit. Yeah I know I just wanted to  catch a movie"

" with me being sleep gosh your even more cuter when you lie" she told me

Yeah only if you knew how bad I can really lie

" is that so look get comfortable I'm going to change my clothes"

Closing the bathroom door I place my hands on both sides of the counter before looking at myself In the mirror.

Get it together sj you can't get involved with this girl

Splashing some water onto my face I grab My towel to clean the water off.

Changing into my shorts I kept my shirt off and open the door.

Storm was no longer in my bed and my room door was wide open.

Not making a big deal of it I laid across my bed and threw on the sports channel.

My attention was in my phone when I felt the other side of my bed dip in.

Shifting my head to the left side I took noticed that storm was only In a long oversized sweater.

" thought you left I told you I'm to much to manage" I teased

I heard her lips smack

" boy please I only came-back because your watching  my favorite channel" she lied

I grin at the thought of seeing her getting  into football.

" is that right I sat up in my bed placing my hands over my head and she watch my chest jump.

" your eyes wander a lot you know that" I said in a low tone that made her snap out of her daze.

" oh damn my bad I feel embarrassed " she cover her face and I just smiled.

" I'm okay with it Storm" turning on my side I removed her hands and her eyes where still closed.

" are you going to remain like this with your eyes closed and all?"

She shook her head yes and I nodded My head.

" okay.  stay just like that"  I mumble.

Let me love you down~........

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