~ Santiago ~

" we need to talk sj" my mother informed me as she lean on the bathroom wall

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" we need to talk sj" my mother informed me as she lean on the bathroom wall

With my eyes still shut I was soaking in nothing but hot boiling water as I could feel my skin burning.

" what's there to talk about"

" uh a lot since you let that bitch leave"

Opening my eyes I cock my head over to my mother with a straight face, and she cleared her throat.

" change your tone, beside I won't do it" I said.

Laying my head back on the head of the tub I could hear her exhaling with disappointment.

" now you listen to me I can't have that bi— that girl running around loose and she know what we've done. So if I go down you go down"

I Shrugged my shoulders before turning the jazz music up a little more.

" this conversation is over with, you can see yourself out  now"

" the hell it's not" my mother said.

I open my eyes To see nothing but the water above my face as she use all her might to drown her only son under the water.

" St—op ma Sto" everything was muffled as I gulp down the hot water .

" you will do as you were told sj this is the only way we can live a great life once the money is found"

She then let me go as I crawled half way out the tub trying to catch my breath.

I was perplexed at that fact that should would have killed me if I let her get the chance.

Snatching my towel I wrap it around my waist before I charged at her.

I took my hand and tightly grip her throat.

" don't you EVER In your life touch me again or you want make it to see that damn money do I make myself clear" I told her

She nodded her head repeatedly before I removed my hand and she left my room.

Sliding to the floor I was a little weak and I all I could think about was Storm and if she was okay.

I threw on my green windbreaker jacket,  blue jeans and my sneakers.

Snatching my keys I went downstairs to find my mother chugging down some wine.

" sj I'm so sorry I don't know why I did that up there"

" keep your apologies. I'll be back"

" where you going I can come with if you need"

" no. I'll be fine" I said.


I drove In circles and at t least ten miles from my home with no sign of storm in sight.

" come on, where'd you go that fast" I mumble to myself.

Turning my bright lights on I went down one of the dead end roads to still have nothing.

Pulling over I placed my head on the steering wheel trying my hardest to figure out where she could have gone.

I had absolutely no clue.

Until a light bulb went off.

The hospital of course

Putting the gear in drive I headed to the hospital a place where I hope I could find her and save her.

Walking to the front desk I ask for permission to see mr Lyles.

The nurse who happened to be my cousin allowed me access and I couldn't have thank her enough.

Walking inside the room I was disappointed once more as there was no sign of storm.

But instead something more scary that caught me by surprise.

Her mother was awake.

" oh hi there I thought you was my daughter coming to see me." She hum a little to clear her throat

" wow sj you've gotten... big" she said before coughing.

Rushing to her side I gave her some water and she patted my hands as a sign that she was done.

" so how's my girl doing gosh I really miss her"

looking away I wanted to just come out and tell her the truth, but something like a force keep pulling me away from that.

" she awesome she's like my workout partner" I laugh

" but if you want I can let her know your awake Im Pretty sure she'll be more than happy to come see you"

Her mother nodded her head.

" yes,  that would be lovely thank you, and thank you for taking in my daughter tell your mom I said hey and I'm doing much better"

" of course" I rub her shoulder before exiting out the room.

Storm I need you.... like ASAP

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