~ Santiago ~

Wanting to get back to myself I decided to cut my hair off

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Wanting to get back to myself I decided to cut my hair off.

No not because Storm cut her hair, but because I wanted to be free from the pain that I had while having the locs .

I was already on my third lap around the block as I had pebbles right next to me.

Yeah she wanted to run too.

Stopping in my tracks I chug down a Bottle of water before I started back up again.

" where you going so quickly" a light but familiar voice came at me

Turning around it was Storm best friend.

" ah no where just enjoying the sun and of course taking my dog on a run."

" you mean Storm puppy"

" excuse me" I said taking out an earbud

" you said your dog it's actually my best friends puppy " she said giving off a bit of an attitude.

" right. I'm sorry did you need anything from me?"  I question.

She walks up a little further while placing her hand on my right shoulder.

" how do you know about my ability?"

Brushing her hands off me I tried to ignore her questions.

" I have to go"

Turning on my heal I felt a slight sensation trickle up my back.

With my back still towards her I laugh before walking away.

Once again the shock came shooting up my back.

I exhale out from the slight pain I was feeling.

" I'm talking to you so I'll advise you to not walk away"

Turning around It was taking everything in me not to make her bones break where she stood.

" what did you just do to me?"

" oh nothing major I just taser you that's all. I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings" she smirk.

" forgive me for what I'm about to do" I told her

" huh"

She gave me a look Before she yelled out dropping to the hard concrete.

" I then walk up a little closer before I squatted down in front of her.

" you feel that? that's your right ankle breaking Into small pieces at a time, you know I could have just crush it quicker or just have you stand on this sidewalk for hours with no movement but I like this way better."

" your so fucking dead ahhhh you son of a bitch" she cried out In pain.

" now are your feelings hurt?"

Picking pebbles up I continue my walk as I could still here the sound of her cry's echo out into the streets.


" hey how was your run" Storm asked before I even got a chance to closed the front door behind me.

" it was good pebbles enjoyed herself I could say"

Looking over my shoulder she made her way to her doggy bed.

" wow for pebbles to walk over to her bed you just have wore her out" she laugh.

Moving my shoulders around I couldn't help but To still feel the stings that stayed in my back.

" okay so I know you just got here but I'm about to go my mom wants to have lunch ."

" yeah go go" I said waving her off.

" okay everything you need is in the fridge you pretty much know where most of everything is" she then kiss my cheek before grabbing her jacket and heading out.

Twirling in my chair i was hoping to spend the rest of the day with Storm.

Maybe later.

Removing my shirt I glance into the Mirror to find taser marks on my back.

I knew if Storm see these she's going to ask me tons of questions.

Trying to apply cream was difficult but I made it work.

As I walked out the bathroom I laid across the bed before unfolding a letter that's been in my pocket for almost a week now.

Dear, Santiago jacobs,

The paralyzer also known as the bone breaker will
Become your name.

I died so that you'll gain this ability to continue what I couldn't do on this earth

I have faith that'll you do the right thing with these abilities.

Was I perfect no, but neither will you when you are face with situation that WILL come your way whether you want it to or not

There's only one person that stands in the way of a lot of things and once I tell you the name you have to promise me you'll make them pay.

Remember I died so that you can have a better life

- love mom

My mind was going everywhere before I felt my body starting to shake increasingly as the letter fell upon the floor.

I started to have a hard time breathing as I drop to the floor inching my way to the door.

Looking up i couldn't make out who it was but by the feeling of my body and the feeling I had earlier I knew I was getting tased.

" Storm not here to save you now is she"

Fuckk....I. can't...breath!!!

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