~ Storm ~

" okay mom this restaurant is by far the best" I said placing a napkin over my thighs

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" okay mom this restaurant is by far the best" I said placing a napkin over my thighs.

The people around me was dress in nice elegant clothing and I felt as if I was apart of the rich people club.

...Wait I was.

" well then honey I chosen the right place" she told me before opening up the menu.

Once the waiter came around we both placed our order and waited for our food to get cook and delivered to us.

My attention was focus on a little band that played soothing music as people talked , laughed , and ate.

" so how's the new apartment treating you?" Asked my mother.

Shrugged my shoulders I was kinda out of the whole thrilled stage of having my own spot.

" it's very lonely" I chuckled " but it's very comfortable and I feel more independent"

" great answer. When I was your age I was living on my own and I tell you it was so amazing but I had to learn to take care of my responsibility also"

Agreeing with my mom, I took noticed of the waiter bringing over our food that smell absolutely divine once it was plated.

" thanks" I said

She nodded her head as she left us to alone.

" I'm so glad I was able to get your out and have this lunch with you"

Picking up a fork of noodles I gave her a warm smile.

" I am too. I'm also glad you are healed and ready to get back to work starting tomorrow morning"

Lifting my glass my mother did the same.

" toast to new beginnings" I said.

" yes toast to new beginnings, and opportunity's" my mother added.

We clank our glasses together before digging back into the food.

The stars filled up the night sky's as I ramble through my purse to find my key.

Opening up the door I was greeted like always by my wonderful puppy.

" hey pebbles, where's sj?" I asked her as if she could speak back to me.

She lick my toes and that usually was a sign that she was hungry.

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