Chapter 1

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third pov •◦ೋ•◦❥•◦ೋ•┈┄┄┅┉┉╯

First days of school always sucked for Park Jimin. He doesn't necessarily adore the concept of getting all dressed up and mentally prepared to deal with artificial people all day. The kids in school don't really like him but he's popular if that makes sense. A lot of people in his school are homophobic. Which just can't work with you know... Jimin.

The one person at school that the blonde does look forward to seeing is his bestfriend, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook is a year older than Jimin and they've been best friends for as long a they can remember. Not so much as one fight. Sure they bicker but never actually been apart or fought. They are so close that some people even think that they are dating. Which just so happens to be Jimins internal aspiration. Him and Jungkook together forever as a romantic couple is all he ever could ever wish for.

The older however couldn't be anymore oblivious to Jimins little... well giant crush. To Jimin it's like everyone in the world knows except for the one person that mattered. But if Jungkook ever somehow found out Jimins entirety would fall apart.

"Hey come on!" Jimin yelled at the bus that was leaving his stop. Maybe he is running late or maybe the bus is going too fast. World may never know. But what Jimin did know is that he would never miss a bus ride. He would make every effort to get to sit next to Jungkook in the morning. And today was important. It was their first day.

The bus comes to a quick stop sending kids that were told many times to sit flying forward. The driver rolls her eyes and opens the door for the panting boy that just ran half a block to catch her.

"Get in kid." Her breath reeked of cigarettes with a mix of the Pepsi sitting in her cup holder. Jimin swiftly stepped on the vehicle and thanked the disturbing woman.

"Jimin!" A raven haired boy from the second to last seat on the right side yells while frantically waving his arms. The blonde blushed because everyone looked at him and then back to Jungkook. He shyly waved and made his way to his seat. Slightly embarrassed. Slightly amused at the olders excitement.

"Jimin what happened? Why are you so late?" Jungkook asks with worried features and doe eyes. Jimins breath hitches at the way the olders hand grazes his thigh as he set his hand on the seat. The youngers face heated up at the contact. He made a mental note to write that one down later.

"And now your face is all red! Are you sick? Jiminie are you okay?" Jungkook asked just as worried as ever and Jimin couldn't help but laugh. He was happy to have such a dumb best-friend. If the raven were literally anyone else Jimins cover would have been blown a long time ago.

"I-I'm fine Jungkook Hyung." Jimin responded shyly. They've known each other for so long yet Jimin can't help but be nervous around him all the time.

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