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When James and I walked into the house it was very awkward because at first it was loud and when James closed the door it got all quiet and everyone looked over at us. Only three out of the five were here. Where's Jai. I looked around and saw him in the kitchen getting something from the fridge.

"Hi" I faked smiled to everyone here.

I got a couple Hellos and stares from girls. I felt out of place here.

I looked over at James because I honestly didn't know what to do.

"Hey guys, we're planning the next party" Beau said cheerfully to us.

"When will it be?" I asked.

"Next Friday" Daniel answered me.

I have to make plans for next Friday now. Movies with myself sound good? Yes, I think it does.

I nodded my head at him and went to the kitchen to get another water. I've drunk like six water bottles today.

James probably went up stairs because I didn't see him. I sat on the stool by myself in the kitchen island.

I took out my phone and started texting people back from Melbourne. I miss Alex so much.

Everyone here seems to not like me. Except the boys. Hopefully they do, or else this makes everything even more uncomfortable.


I turned around to see Luke walking to the fridge.

"Hi" I smiled at him.

"What are you doing here alone? Come sit with us over there"

"I'm fine."


"Uh. nahh" I smiled.

"Of course you are coming" he came closer to me. "we both know we want the same thing"

"Not really, I want money but I'm not complaining" I laughed.

"You have money now shut up"

"Haha you're funny Brooks. How does never again work for you?" I smirked.

"In all seriousness we leave at 8, wear something comfortable" he said pecking my lips and walked back out to the living room.

Why do I have to like him?
Why do I let him in?

"What was that?" James walks in through the back door.

"Uh..." I got nervous. "I thought you were back in your room"

"I asked you a question"

"I don't know" I looked at him. "I don't even know. He's complicated"

"Where is he taking you?"

"You're acting like my brother" I laughed.

"I want you to be safe that's all"

"He's taking me to our hang out" I responded.

"Have fun" he winked.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone. I don't want to be obvious about it.

We started playing a random game on our phones. Piano tiles, we competed to see who was faster. It was mostly the same. We lost the same amount of times.

7:30 came and Luke walked into the kitchen and sat next to James.

He kept signaling for me to get changed but I kept ignoring him and smirking.

"Well, I'm going up to my room" James smirked at me.

When James was nowhere in sight Luke told me to go get changed into sweatpants or something comfy.

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