Sacrifices for love

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Joe's POV

I was searching one of mark mardons hideouts
When I heard a noise came behind from the entrance. I cocked my gun ready to shoot.
Don't shoot! don't shoot! Eddy exclaimed coming up behind me.
What the hell are you doing here?! I said
It's a powerful weather meta that's after you! I think you'd need backup. Eddy replied
Fair enough but don't get yourself killed I Exclaimed
Likewise eddy replied
We both went into a room that had open windows and signs that someone was their.
The gust of wind got stronger then it pushed me out of a window

I woke up on a raft far from central city in the ocean
Mark mardon was standing there

Barry's POV

I was patrolling Central city when I got a urgent alert from iris to get to the police department.
When I got in the department I saw what looked like all of central city's officers
Captain sing walked up to me
Barry I'm so sorry, joe went missing while patrolling one of mark mardons old hideouts. Captain sing said gravely
Oh my gosh I said trying to think of what do to then thought of iris
Where's iris? I asked urgently
She's in there captain sing said pointing over to the woman's bathroom
I was about to knock on the door then the door opened suddenly by iris with tears in her eyes
She rapped her arms around me then said
He's got my dad she said with eyes full of tears
I know, I'm gonna help find him alright I reassured her
I walked back over to captain sing
Do you have any leads? I asked in urgency
I'm sorry Barry but we don't he said in a grim tone
I looked back at iris and she had her phone up to her ear then put it don't and a puddle of tears started forming
I rushed over to her and asked What happened?
He's got joe and the south side of the water front iris said still pushing out tears
It's gonna be okay, let's go get him I said lifting iris up off a bench
Okay iris said

I got to the south side of the water front with iris then we saw a big wave coming towards central city iris got on her knees on the ground and said
Barr how are we gonna help him, he's on a raft a mile away from central city in the ocean!
Iris it's gonna be alright, I know who to call.
I called Caitlin to ask what to do and maybe tell my goodbyes if I die
Caitlin accepted the call then she said hey I could use a hand then I see Caitlin running towards me and iris
I sped her to iris so she didn't have to run all that way
Barry dr. Wel—- then I interrupted her
Caitlin you can't be here! I exclaimed
Barry there's a giant wave approaching central city and I'd rather die with the love of my life then alone talking on comma
Wait I'm the love of your life? I said
Of course Barr, I can't let you go now Caitlin said truthfully
Alright I'm not letting us die, what do I do? I asked trying to hurry up since a tsunami is nearing
Theoretically if you you make a wall of wind strong enough then you could block the wave from central city
Alright. I said
I hugged iris then I kissed Caitlin and said
I love you I said
Likewise she replied then grabbed my face and
Iris I'm sorry you had to find out this way
I said while speed changing into my flash suit
I love you both with all my heart I said then sped off to fight the wave

I started running, I'm not fast enough I thought
This is it, this is what I've been fighting for.
I started thinking of Caitlin
I love her, I can't let her die, I started feeling powerful.
I noticed that I already circled central city multiple times.
I couldn't think of anything other than Caitlin
I had to protect her
I kept on going faster and faster even when I saw the wave started settling
Go faster Barry dr. Wells's voice echoed in my mind
Go faster Barry I heard Caitlin say in my mind
Go faster Cisco said in my imagination
Go faster iris said in my mind
Go faster Barry! I hear my dad say in my head
Barry you need to stop! I heard the woman in the wedding dress say in my mind
I can't I said with my face being covered with tears
Yes you can just go slow for once I heard Caitlin said in my mind
I can't stop I thought
I literally can't stop, I was going so fast I couldn't stop my legs
A blue flash of light blinded me then I started
hearing honking cars and people...

                     Episode 5. End

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