𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘧

130 8 1

- Kiera -

Well, what do you know? I'm going on a date with Luke. I still can't accept the fact that I agreed to this. What happened to my do-not-let-anyone-in-before-you-graduate plan? I've spent my whole high school life focusing on that damn plan and it will just be broken by some damn Australian dork.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a soft knock on my door. I mentally groaned since I actually have to be polite and open the door while I was in the midst of perfecting a winged eyeliner.

"Yes?" I immediately snapped as the door flew open.

"Oh, I should've texted you first. I uh- um, I'm sorry," Luke stuttered, his cheeks going beet red.

"I thought we were going at 7?"

"I know. I guess I was just excited. I don't know. I'm sorry. I'll wait in my room so you can finish. I'm really sorry. I just—" he rambled as he fiddled his fingers, a habit that I have noticed whenever he was either bored or nervous.

"Y'know what? Let's go. I can't even get this damn wing right," I chuckled as I opened the door widely, signalling him to enter.

He sat on my bed while I gathered my things from the desk. I quickly put on a grey-coloured cardigan and slipping on my favourite pair of Converse. Earlier, he told me to dress casually since he apparently knows that I feel uncomfortable wearing dresses. He's right, though.

"I'm set,"


"Amusement park, huh?" I playfully poked his side as we got in line for entrance tickets.

"You don't like it?" he asked with widened eyes. "We can always go anywhere you want. Do you want to eat first? We can find a place. I think there's a restaurant there and—"

"Luke!" I giggled as his cheeks turned to a crimson shade. "I was just kidding. I actually like this place. And also, I haven't gone to an amusement park for almost five years."

"Oh," he laughed and turned to the guy behind the booth. "Two tickets, please." He was handed two green tickets and gave one to me.

We immediately went to the gates and my eyes went wide at the sight of the rides and booths and lights and everything. I sure do miss going to this kind of place.

"What do you want to do first?" Luke asked as he slowly intertwined his fingers with mine. I find it cute that he was nervous. I tightly gripped his hand and correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure he heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"Can we try the ferris wheel first?" I asked. "Every year, we ride the ferris wheel first and that only stopped when my fa—" I didn't even bother to finish that word.

"You okay?" he was concerned of my sudden silence.

"Yeah, I am. Let's just go ride that thing," I shrugged the topic of and pulled him towards the enormous wheel.


Let's just say that I am just waiting for him to ask me out again. Crazy, I know but he did prove something.

We went to the ferris wheel first (as my usual first ride), then he pulled me into this booth where he would shoot three pins in order to get a stuffed toy (the reason I was walking around with a pink pig), and bought me a blue candy floss before he stated that his stomach was having a huge earthquake.

"So, uh—" he cleared his throat. "I pre-ordered something from this place earlier this morning so we'll just have to wait for it. Unless you want something specific? Ohmygod, I didn't even ask you what you like! I'm such a horrible person. I didn't even—"

"Luke, it's okay," I chuckled. "I eat almost anything so it's fine."

"I eat food at the strangest times," he blurted out, a huge grin plastered on his face. "Like one time, my mom caught me eating Fruit Loops at almost 12 midnight and scolded me for having an unbalanced diet."

"No way!" I almost screamed. "I always, always eat Fruit Loops before going to bed. And by going to bed, I mean sleeping at 2 am-ish."

"Guess we've been doing the same thing all this time," he gave me a smile and that's when our food came and our conversation about cereals and midnight snacks ceased.


"I seriously had a wonderful time," I squeezed his hand. Yeah, we've been holding hands throughout the whole date. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," this time, he was the one to squeeze my hand. Guess hand-squeezing is our thing now. "You gave me a chance. So, thank you."

"Luke, we're here,"

"Oh yeah, we're here," I chuckled as he noticed that we were in front of our dorm rooms.

"Yeah, we're here so I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" he nodded and I pulled my hand away from his.

"Kiera, wait!" I was about to enter the room when he gripped my wrist and forced me to face him again.

I gave him a puzzled look and his next move answered all my thoughts. He leaned in and pressed his soft pink lips to mine, foreheads pressed against each other.

"Goodnight, Kier-bear," he mumbled against my lips, pulled away, and entered his room, leaving me alone to process everything that had happened in less than a minute.


a/n: i swear, i made this as fluffy/cute as possible but i'm still not satisfied with it smh

and, sorry for the long wait. i had to deal with some school shit. school work is getting on my last nerve. let's not forget about the bitches i had to slay everyday (im quEEN OKAY) ((wait no im not lol at me))

comment if you ship Liera bc if you do then hmu

bye for now c:

𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘹 𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴Where stories live. Discover now