𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘹 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺

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× Kiera ×

"Bye, Leish!" I waved as Aleisha got in the service van NASA provided. "Good luck!"

And with that, she hopped in the white van with the NASA logo on the sliding doors. I gave her a quick wave goodbye then the vehicle zoomed out of the open parking area.

Earlier this morning, Luke had managed to barge in our shared dorm room and decided to take Aleisha and I for breakfast before Aleisha leaves and now, he's waving at the almost-out-of-sight vehicle like a kid.

"So, uh, do you have any classes today?" Luke asked, walking with me back to our building.

"Yeah, but not until 10," We both don't have Environmental Science this day and my first period will not start until 10 am, so I still got myself a lot of time to kill considering it's just 7 am.

"Well, I don't have first period until 9. D'you wanna hang out?"

"We're inside a space-specialized University, where do you think we can hang out?" I chuckled. It's true though. I've had a few walks around and there was clearly no sign of anything fun unless there's an event.

"Since you mentioned space, I think I have a good idea idea where we should hang out," he smiled, taking my hand and pulling me to his lead.

After walking - running, actually - a block or two, we reached a dome-shaped white building I am not quite familiar with.

"What is this place?" I asked, taking my hand from his. I didn't even notice we were still holding hands the entire run. "I don't think I've seen this building yet."

"That's what you get for blasting Nirvana while on campus tour. Not that I don't like Nirvana. I am quite a fan, actually," he chuckled, heading inside the building, me following his suit.

"So, what is this place?" I prompted.

"It's the observatory," he plainly answered.

Let me tell something sick-ass cool; this place is amazing. It had a thirty-seater, IMAX-like screen that showed a clear view of the stars (even in day time).

"I've been here a couple of times before," Luke broke the deafening silence, in which I am grateful for.

"Is there people who work here?"

"Yeah, and some of them know me already," I could hear him smile. Well, it's very dark and only the stars are illuminating the room. "Let's take a seat."

I gladly took a seat in the middle and leaned back to get a more comfortable view of the stars twinkling above us.

"This is amazing," I smiled like a little girl who received yet another Barbie doll for Christmas.

"Yeah, I know," he agreed. "This is the only reason I go here; to see the stars. And this proves the only good thing I know about stars; you might not see them during the day because the Sun outshines them all, but you know that they're always there."

"You totally read that off Tumblr, didn't you?" I teased. He did sound like a white girl who spends too much time on Tumblr.

"You got me. Yes, I saw that on Tumblr but it's true, right? They're always there," he heaved a deep sigh. I heard him mutter a few words I didn't quite catch so I decided to brush it off.

We sat in silence until Luke spoke, breaking the barrier between us again.

× Luke ×

"You read that off Tumblr, didn't you?" she teased.

"You got me. Yes, I saw that on Tumblr but it's true, right? They're always there," I let out a deep sigh. "God, Luke, you're so stupid. She obviously doesn't like you."

I've asked a ton of girls out before I met Kiera and all of them seemed like a piece of cake. Of course, with the help of my good looks (not being cocky here), girls fell for it amd made it easy for me. Even asking Aleisha out for our first date didn't seem as hard as this one. How can Kiera be so different?

Kiera's the type of girl who wouldn't fall for looks - I bet she wouldn't immediately say yes if Sam Claflin asked her out on a date. I don't think she's the kind of girl who goes out with a lot of guys. Does she even hang out with guys? She's just so different.

This is the perfect moment. Go for it. I repeat this mantra in my head, trying to build confidence and some actual guts to do it.

Here goes nothing.

"Kiera? Will you go out on a date with me?"


aw luke grew a pair buT what did kiera say? another attempt of a cliffhanger ;-)

hope y'all had a wonderful christmas time. what did you get for christmas?

i got a few graphic shirts and some money (yAs)

and oH, i changed all of my covers to something minimalistic. what do you think about it?

sorry for the long-ish a/n. bye now.

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