Chapter 1

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It was Christmas Eve and N-Dubz had announced a month earlier they were getting back together. They were sat at Dappy's house. There was Dappy, Fazer, Tulisa and Tulisa's new boyfriend, Danny. His kids Milo and Gino were there too. They were in bed though.

Dappy: I was gonna get Pizza. Do you guys want some?

Tulisa: Yeah. Can I have a pepperoni one Daps?

Fazer: I'll have a meat feast one mate.

Danny: Can I have a cheese and tomato one mate?

Dappy: Yep, coming right up guys.

Dappy goes off to order the pizza's and gets some beers for him, Danny and Fazer. He gets T some wine as well.

Tulisa: No, I don't want it.

Fazer: Are you feeling alright?

Tulisa: Yeah fine, why?

Fazer: You always drink.

Tulisa: I just  don't want one. It's not a crime is it?

Fazer: Alright chill.

Danny: Just leave her Fazer. She doesn't have to have a drink if she doesn't want one. I'll get you some juice T, yeah?

Tulisa: Yeah thanks babe.

Dappy: You sure you're alright T?

Tulisa: I'm fine! Will the pair of you just fuck off and leave me alone?

Danny comes back with the juice for T. 

Danny: Here you are babe.

Tulisa: Thank you.

Danny: You're welcome.

Tulisa: I'm so tired.

Danny: Why don't you go to sleep for a bit?

Tulisa: Yeah, I think I might.

Danny: Let's put you on the sofa yeah? I'll get you a pillow and a blanket.

Tulisa: Thanks babe. You're so good to me.

Danny: It's what I'm here for.

He lifts T on the sofa and gets her a pillow and a duvet, just as the pizza's arrive.

Dappy: Food's here guys!

Fazer: Good, I'm starving.

Dappy: You're always starving you fat shit!

Fazer: Oh well.

Danny: T, do you want yours after yeah?

Tulisa: Yeah. I'm gonna go for a little sleep.

Danny: OK. We'll put yours to one side then and you can warm it after OK?

Tulisa: Yeah, that's fine.

The lads eat their pizza's and start playing video games. They got a bit noisy so Danny moved Tulisa to a bed, where it was a bit quieter. She woke up an hour or so later.

Danny: Oh, hey sleepyhead.

Tulisa: Where's my pizza? I'm starving.

Danny. That's typical of you that is. You wake up and start thinking about your belly.

Tulisa: Can you go get it for me please?

Danny: Yeah, 2 minutes babe.

Dappy: Come on Fazer bruv, you're supposed to follow me not go the other way!

Fazer: Oh shut up man.

Tulisa: God, you two.

Dappy: What?

Tulisa: You's take it so seriously. It's only a game.

Fazer: Well, sorry!

Tulisa goes into the kitchen to find Danny. He's warming her pizza up in the oven.

Danny: Oh, hey T. You OK?

Tulisa: Them 2 are doing my head in with that game. They take it so seriously. 

Danny: Boys usually do take games seriously.

Tulisa: I noticed.

Danny: Your pizza's ready anyway babe.

Tulisa: Thanks.

Danny: You're welcome. I'll leave you in peace to eat it. Come back and join us if you want when you're done?

Tulisa: No, don't leave me, please. 

Danny: Aw. Do you get scared on your own?

Tulisa: No, I just don't like being left on my own.

Danny: OK, I'll stay with you.

Tulisa: Thanks babe.

Danny stayed with Tulisa while she ate her pizza. He told Dappy and Fazer he was going to get her home because she wasn't feeling well. She hadn't been feeling well all week, but what could be wrong with her?

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