Chapter 4

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The next few days were torture for Tulisa. Danny had flown back to Newcastle for his football training. He'd spent the week with her. She had so much fun just chilling out with him. They went shopping, watched DVD's and had lots of time together. He'd taken a flight back to Newcastle last night so she'd been left on her own. She loves him and wishes he could stay with her in London but it just wasn't to be. She wasn't sure if he'd still be on his flight. It set off at midnight and it was only half past 6 in the morning. She looked at her phone and there was a text from Fazer. She looked at it but she didn't reply. All it read was:

To Tulisa:

Are you coming studio today? Me and Dappy could do with you here. We need to get this song finished.

She rolled back over in bed and went to sleep. She texted Danny a few hours later. He must have landed by now. All she put was:

To Danny:

Hey Babe, I hope you had a safe flight and I can't wait to see you when you come back. I love you and I miss you already. Stay safe and have a good game. Love T xx

She got a reply a few minutes later:

To T:

Yeah the flight was OK. I love you, miss you too and I wish you were here. I know you're bound to be down coz I'm not there but please try and stay strong? I love you lots. When you feel down, you can always ring and text me, you know that. If you feel really down, let me know and I'll go on Skype and talk to you Babe. Xxx

To Danny:

OK well I need to go and get ready coz I'm meeting the lads in the studio. I'm only staying for a bit coz I aint in the mood for them today. Xx

To T:

Let me know if you wanna talk yeah? Xxx

To Danny: 

I want a hug but you aint here :( xxx

To T:

T, don't get upset babes. I'll be back soon.

She texted Fazer and told him she wasn't coming to the studio. She rolled over and looked at the pictures of her and Danny. This made her upset because he wasn't with her so she went back to sleep. She just closed her eyes and her phone vibrated. She picked it up, hoping it was Danny and he'd rung her to cheer her up. Her heart sunk when she saw it was just Dappy. She answered it, and she was quite rude.

Tulisa: (on the phone) What the fuck do you want?

Dappy: (on the phone) Look, just coz your boyfriend aint there, don't get snappy and take it out on me! He's been with you for the last week! He has got a job you know! 

Tulisa: (on the phone) Yes I know that! Just fuck off Dappy!

Dappy: (on the phone) Just get dressed and come down the studio. We haven't got all fucking year! This song HAS to be out by the end of the day and you haven't even done your verse or nothing!

Tulisa: (on the phone) You can write it for me and I'll come down later and record it when no one else is there, OK?!

Dappy: (on the phone) Right fine!

Over at the studio...

Fazer: What did she say? Is she coming in or what?

Dappy: She said, we can write her verse and she'll come down and record it when no one else is here, which, to be honest, that's fine because at least she's gonna do it. If us lot go at about 6pm for about an hour and she can come in and record it. It might need to be redone so we'll give her an hour.

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