Warriors of hope, and servant-

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Hajime: hey nagito about the warriors of hope..

Nagito: hm?

Hajime: how do they look like?


They arent the best kids, but they are surely fun

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They arent the best kids, but they are surely fun.


Nagito: heh.. i kinda miss them but they're probably having a good life together

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Masaru: uhm-

Hajime: i- WHO ARE U???

Masaru: werw the warriors of hope!

Nagisa: please... stop... we dont- know who these people are-

Kotoko: yeah! Well.. were looking for servant!

Fuyuhiko: who?

Chiaki: you're talking about

Chiaki: you're talking about

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Monaca: yes! I think he left the city...

Nagito: well, he most certainly have.

Nagisa: you.. know him?

Nagito: in fact, i am him.

Kotoko: OMG! REALLY?!

Nagito: indeed, Ms.Utsugi, and, these people are my classmates.

Kotoko: ah.. HIII!!!!

Sonia: HIII!!!!

Fuyuhiko: wh-

Nagito: they're 10-

Kotoko: were actually 12

Nagito: ah, 12

Nagisa: so.. your name isnt "servant"?

Nagito: ye-

Chiaki: no

Nagito: STFU

Chiaki: no ❤️

Monaca: so.... what is your name?

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