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~ Peter P.O.V~

Walking back home from school the past few weeks I've been feeling some one or something watching me, but my spidey sense never goes off for some reason. As I kept walking the feeling of the eyes got closer to me. I quickly deiced to skip going home to keep Aunt May safe and head to Stark tower to see if Tony has any explanation or ideas on whats going on. But being the smart teenager I am (emphasis on the sarcasm) I decided to take what looked like a back ally as a short cut. Soon after entering it I figured out that the ally was really just a road to get into the parking lot of the complex surrounding it. Sighing I spun on my heel to leave and go the correct way but my way was blocked by a man wearing a red and black spandex costume with weapons strapped to him. This is not going to be good I thought. "Do you mind stepping aside please?" I asked hoping I wouldn't have to go all spidey on him.

"Nope, sorry no can do kid. I need information on Spider-man and I hear that you know how to get in contact with him." The man stated while pulling a katana off his back. Great just great he's going to kill me no matter what I do or say.

"Uhm I'm sorry sir but I think you have me confused with some one else." I said hoping that he would believe my lie. Raising an eyebrow from under he mask he grabbed some photos out of one of his many pouches and shoved them at my face.

"So this isn't you Peter Parker?" He asked threatening. I groaned inwardly, thats why I've had the feeling some one was following me. Scanning the photos I frowned spotting one of me taking Aunt May out for supper last month.

"Yes the guy in the photos is me." I said praying that I wouldn't regret this. The man smiled sickly from under his mask. Great. He put the photos back and pulled out another set, this time me changing out of my spiderman costume and into street clothes. This time I groaned out loud and face palmed. This was just getting worse and worse.

"YAY!!! I found Spidey!" He said in a higher pitch then before.

"Yes you found him." I grumbled as he just kept smiling.

"So you noticed me at all or anything?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

What do I have to lose now?

" I only noticed some one following me a couple weeks ago." I muttered glaring at him.

"Hey don't glare at me, I was only doing what I was paid for, and besides there's only me and two other people who know about this." He said gesturing towards the photos.

"Why does that make you think that that fact makes this situation any better!! In fact it makes it worse!" I shouted getting fed up with this. Who knows who this guy is working for, they could be out to kill me and now this guy's got photo evidence that I'm Spider-man.

"Peter, I hired Deadpool so your secret is safe." A familiar voice said. Tearing my gaze away from my hired stalker I saw Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. I gave them a death glare and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What's the meaning of this." I snarled unimpressed that my boss went digging through my life. I never talked during any S.H.E.I.L.D. meetings so how the hell did he figure this out.

"Look, I know this is wrong but would you have told the truth if I had just asked you straight up if you where Spider-man?" Tony asked.

"No, but what gives you the right to hire some one to stalk me!" I shouted gesturing to the spandex clad man. This is getting ridiculous.

"Nothing but I just really wanted to know. It's in my nature to be over curious." He let out a sigh. "Peter the only person you have to be mad at is me, not Steve or Deadpool." He explained, but I just glared at him getting more annoyed.

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