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My name is Y/n L/n and I live in a super-human society. Hero's and villains are real and they cause chaos all over the world on a daily basis. Basically, it's a little kid's dream world, where almost everyone has the potential to become a superhero flying around the city to save the day. 

However, I think this modern society is stupid. Hero's and villains are basically the same thing. It all depends on perspective. A hero could become a villain at the drop of a hat, and only because the public decided that they acted more like a villain than a hero. It was really stupid how heroes chase after fame and to be recognized by these fickle people.

Now, that's not to say that I agree with the villains either. They run around causing chaos and mayhem. They just want things like power, money, to be recognized, it's stupid. Why bother? Some villains claim that they want to change the world for the better. Even if they did manage to change this world, who's to say that it wouldn't change right back. 

Anyways, enough about my personal view of the world. My quirk is called Fox Spirit. I can turn into a fox and back into a human at will. I didn't have many friends back in first grade, so I convinced my parents to homeschool me. I know a lot of people look down on homeschooling, but it gives a lot more freedom and flexibility. Ever since then, I mostly stay in my fox form, even around my parents. They don't tell anyone about me, they don't trust people very easily and neither do I. 

I slowly became conscious. I opened my eyes and yawned, snapping my jaw shut again. I looked around and smiled to myself. I was laying under a thick bush on the soft grass. My fur was wet from the dew and the sun, filtering through the leaves, was dancing across it. I stood up and stretched, my back arching and my black paws reaching out in front of me. My parents didn't like it when I slept outside, but I still did it sometimes. 

I emerged from my hiding spot in the bushes. The sky was a bright blue with fluffy clouds flitting lazily across it. I sniffed the air and smelt a fish being cooked. As a fox, my senses were heightened and I had the instincts of one, but I could ignore them. I padded softly inside, being sure to wipe my feet or I would never hear the end of it. I trotted into the kitchen and looked up at my mother who was frying a fish and making eggs simultaneously. She smiled down at me and took the pan with the fish off the stove. She put it on a heavy plate, so it wouldn't slide around, and put the plate on the ground for me.

I ate hungrily while my parents ate eggs and toast at the table. When we were done, my dad left for work and my mom carried my books to the kitchen table. She then picked me up, she loved to hold me and stroke my soft fur. During my lesson, she held me, sometimes scratching behind my ears. When we were done, she put me down and carried my books into my room for me. She then left the room, closing the door behind her. 

As soon as she had left, I sighed and changed back into my human form. When I change into my human form, I have no clothes on, so I quickly put on a comfy hoodie and pair of shorts. I did my work silently, looking out the window every now and then. Just outside my window was a cherry blossom tree that bloomed in the spring. It was the perfect distance so I could use it to get away for a little every now and then. At about noon, my mom came up and gave me lunch. 

When I had finally finished for the day, I did my chores and went out, in my fox form, of course. I padded along the mostly empty street. We lived in a quiet neighborhood, with no noisy neighbors, except for one family. There was this guy who was always yelling when he got home, I assume from school. I tried to stay mostly out of sight, I didn't like drawing unwanted attention, but sadly, that was not possible.

"Mommy, look! Look at the cute foxy!" I heard a little girl yell. I turned to look and saw a young girl with her mother.

"Sh, if we're quiet, maybe it'll come up to us. Stand still." The mother crouched down behind her daughter and the two of them watched me expectantly. I slowly approached them, trying to act like a normal fox. Once I was close enough, the little girl reached her hand out to try and let me. I flinched back but hesitantly let her. She was surprisingly gentle and calm about it. After a little, her mother gently pulled her away from me and the two continued with what they were doing. 

I also continued my walk, letting in all the familiar sights and smells. I sat under a tree for a while, resting my paws and watching the sky. Suddenly, I heard a gasp. I looked down from the sky to see three boys. The one in front had a scowl on his face and wasn't looking at me. He had blonde spiky hair and he was being shaken by a boy with red hair that stuck straight up. He and the third boy, who had yellow hair with a black lightning bolt in it, were staring at me, wide-eyed. 

"Look, Bakugou, there's a fox. It's so cute!" The boy with red hair said, pointing at me. The boy in front glanced at me and sneered.

"I see it, alright? Let me go!" The red-haired boy let go and instead turned to the third boy.

"Kaminari, let's see how close we can get."

"Yeah, okay, just don't scare it." The two boys slowly walked towards me, crouching slightly, with the red-haired boy in front. When they had gotten a few feet away from me, I stood and took a small step backward. They paused then the red-haired boy crouched and slowly stretched out a hand to me. I looked at it then took a hesitant step forward, laying my head in his large hand. 

He started scratching under my jaw while taking a step forward, still in his squatting position. After a minute, he stepped back and let the third boy come closer. He squatted, copying the other's position, and offered me his hand. I rubbed my head against his hand and heard him chuckle. 

"It's so cute. Do you think we could keep it?"

"No, Dunce face. It's a wild animal. It wouldn't let us take it anywhere. Feel lucky that it's letting you get that close to it, let alone touch it." 

I looked past the two kind boys to see the grumpy one still standing in the street. The yellow-haired boy was pouting as he scratched behind my ears.

"C'mon, Kaminari, we should probably get going now." Kaminari nodded and stood up to leave. I watched as the trio walked away until they were out of sight.

I wonder what the red-haired boy's name was.

His Little Fox(Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now