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My alarm rang, forcing me to pry open my eyes and turn it off.

What genius invented alarms? I'm gonna kill them.

I turned over onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. After a minute, I looked over at my clock.

I have school, gotta get up. Somethings wrong. Oh yeah, school...

I groaned and sat up, dreading the day. I slowly got dressed and ready for the morning and exited the room. Down in the kitchen, my mom was washing dishes. She looked up as I entered and gave me a half-smile that didn't reach her eyes. Ever since our fight, we hadn't spoken any more than necessary. I gave a small, fake smile and ate breakfast as quickly as possible.

At the door, I shouldered my bag and took a deep breath.

Here goes.

I opened the door and was about to leave when my mom tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw that she was holding out a lunch box with the first genuine smile I'd seen in days. My jaw sagged slightly and I reached out to take the box with a small smile. She then reached in for a hug and whispered in my ear.

"I love you, Y/n." My eyes softened as I awkwardly hugged her back.

"Love you too."

"And...I'm sorry." She pulled back but kept her hands on my shoulders. "Now," she said, perking up. "Get going. Can't have you being late on your first day." I playfully rolled my eyes while trying to conceal a smile as she spun me around to face the door.

"Out, out. See you tonight!"

"Bye, mom."

The towering school had just come into sight when I heard three familiar voices.

"But Kirishima, can't you give me her number at least?"

"I told you, I don't have it."


I smiled to myself.

At least school shouldn't be boring. 

After a minute, I noticed that "Dunce face" had shut up, or he was speaking a lot quieter. I reached the school grounds and stopped, looking up.


The building was incredibly tall and made almost completely out of glass. I felt sorry for whoever had to wash the windows. The grounds looked just as impressive. A long walk led to the doors and was lined with trees. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see who it was. I froze when I saw the trio behind me. Normally, I would have been just fine with them, but this was the first time they had actually seen me.

I noticed the second Kirishima saw and recognized me. A look of guilt flashed across his face then disappeared a moment later. The three approached me with Kirishima leading.

"Hello again," Kirishima said and I nodded in response.

"Kirishima, is this your neighbor?"

"Yeah, this is Y/n L/n. L/n, this is Kaminari and Bakugo." I nodded to the two with a polite smile. Kaminari returned it, only a lot happier, while Bakugo scoffed and turned to walk to the school. Kaminari looked back and forth between Kirishima and Bakugo.

"Go ahead, I need to talk to L/n about something. I'll be right there." Kaminari gave a knowing look before smiling again and running after Bakugo. Kirishima turned back to me and his smile faltered.

"Um," he hesitated. "Are you...are you alright?" I could feel my face fall but I nodded and tried to smile somewhat. He didn't seem to be convinced but he left it at that, thankfully.

"Part of the reason your parents invited us over was to introduce us so you wouldn't be completely alone on your first day. So...I could show you around after school?" He said it as a question and I agreed. He seemed a little relieved as we walked to class together. 

His Little Fox(Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now