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"L/n! Are you okay?! I heard about what happened, are you okay?"

"Thank you so much, L/n! I heard what you and Uraraka did for me."

"L/n, do you remember what happened? I just remember waking up!"

As soon as I opened the door to class 1-A, I was attacked by a group of girls on the verge of tears. I blinked, not really understanding anything they said, and did the only logical thing. I closed the door.

"Take a seat class." Mr. Aizawa had just walked into the classroom, carrying his sleeping bag. "Welcome back Uraraka and L/n. Anyways..."

After class:

"L/n, come sit with us for lunch," Ashido said. I smiled and nodded, following her and a few others to Lunch Rush. After ordering, we sat down at an empty table and dug in.

"So, I heard what you and Uraraka did." Ashido got straight to the point, surprising me with her bluntness. "How did you know Hagakure was there? How'd you get knocked out? Was anyone else there? They called off the exercise when Bakugo found you. He said that he almost left you so he could win. I guess he does care a bit."

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I jumped as Bakugo screamed at Ashido while passing by with a tray of food. "I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU EXTRAS DOWN THERE AFTER ALL!!"

"Calm down man," Kirishima had run up and was pulling a fuming Bakugo away from our table. "Sorry guys. Bakugo, come on." When they had gone, Ashido giggled.

"Poor Kirishima. He's always stuck dealing with Bakugo's bad temper, but I don't think he minds it that much. He's one of the only ones who can deal with Bakugo. Anyways...what happened?" The sudden topic changed startled me, but I supposed I had to get used to it if I was going to be spending much time with her.

"After you told us to leave, we ran into Ojiro and Hagakure. Denki was fighting Hagakure and I had Ojiro. Hagakure took off her gloves and shoes so we switched. She ran off and..." I explained everything to them, or as much as I remembered. Mina had some questions that Uraraka and I tried to answer.

"So how'd you know that Hagakure was being crushed? And another question, what's your quirk?"

"Ooh," Hagakure pipped up. "She can grow fox ears and tail. They're so cute! Can you show them, L/n?" They all looked at me expectantly so I nodded and showed them the ears.

"SO CUTE!!" Was the main phrase that followed along with many others.

"Can I touch them?"

"Uh, yeah, just be careful, they're sensitive." Uraraka, Ashido, and Hagakure crowded to rub my ears, while Jiro and Yaoyorozu waited for their turn. 

"You're right, they are soft!"

"I know right?"

"Is there anything else to your quirk?"

"Yeah, these ears enhance my hearing. I can change my nose to enhance my smell. I can basically turn into a fox and do anything a fox can do."

"Can you become an arctic fox?"


"Can we see?"

"Uh, the thing is, when I become a fox, my clothes fall off and I can't change back in public."

"So your hero costume is specially made?"

"Mhm, yeah."

"If you turn into a fox with your costume on, can people see it on you?"

"No, it changes with me. They took some of my DNA to make it."


After school, Ashido invited us all to her house for a girl's night that weekend. On the way home, I finally had a few minutes to think about things...life maybe? I noticed that I wasn't as tense. Usually, I was always tense around people, but today my muscles felt relaxed. I smiled to myself as I sighed contently and looked up at the blue sky. If life was always like this, it wouldn't be too bad. 

Yeah right. Life always throws something at you. Just because life seems fine now, doesn't mean it will be next week. 

All the more reason to enjoy it now.

You'll get soft. You won't be able to fight.

Fight what? My parents? U.A? The world? I've already forgiven them. There's no reason to fight anymore.

Yes, your parents. Yes U.A. Yes, the world! You're ignoring life, ignoring reality! Life is never all sunshine and rainbows. Just because it looks like that on the surface doesn't mean that it's cupcakes and rainbows on the inside.

Why not?

Because life loves to trick you into thinking that everything is okay. Well newsflash, it's not. The world is falling apart. Tyrants are taking over, life is getting bleaker and bleaker and people blind themselves to reality.

We're becoming a hero to help people. We can help them open their eyes then help save them from reality. We can make reality a better place.

To open someone else's eyes, first, you need to open your own. We can't save all of humanity! We're one person. Who would listen to us?

All Might's one person.

Do you see a flashy, super-strong quirk lying around for us to take? I sure don't. And even he can't save everyone he wants to.

Look, I don't want to fight about this right now. It's been a long day, let's just relax. 

I walked around for the rest of the day with a little voice talking in my mind and a cloud hanging over my head. 

His Little Fox(Kirishima x reader)Where stories live. Discover now