Chapter 1: Just Another Way to Pass Time

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The night was warm for mid November. The sky was a dark blue, almost black but not completely, as small spots of white began to appear across its vast surface, blanketing the city of Tokyo. Akaashi looked up, only now realizing how late it was. He was walking home from school considerably later than usual. He had been stalling all night- staying late after practice to help clean the gym, wandering around at a store with no real intent of buying anything, even just sitting at a park watching the sky- just to avoid going home. It wasn't like there was a problem at home- he just felt more at peace by himself. His day had been pretty crappy, although nothing truly bad happened- just a bunch of minor inconveniences that irked him throughout the day. 

As he neared closer to his house he was thinking about what there even was to do at home. His house never seemed quiet and his bedroom was probably the noisiest, being right above the family room, he could always hear the rest of his family talking and having a good time, even when he wasn't. 

Suddenly he thought of something- Akaashi knew there was a bar just down the street- he had heard from some of his older friends that it was really easy to sneak into. It's just another way to pass time. Or so he thought. Never having done something like this, he wasn't exactly sure how to proceed but even so, he wasn't nervous. He never really was the type to get nervous. As he walked closer to the bar he could hear music coming from inside. Although he wasn't really fond of excessive noise he still thought it would be better than at home.

As he pushed through the door he somewhat expected a reaction from the people but to his surprise (and relief) no one looked at him or even paid much attention to him at all. He found an empty seat at the end of the bar and sat down. He had been told in the past that his overall demeanor had always made him seem very adult-like. As the bartender asked Akaashi what he'd like he could tell by the uncertainty in his voice as he ordered that he was not a huge drinker, and probably not very familiar with alcohol in general either. So he kept making suggestions and kept coming back offering to get him a refill- after all the more he ordered, the more money he'd be going home with at the end of the day, and besides Akaashi saw no reason to refuse.

Now Akaashi had always been above average in height and weight for men in his age group, but his alcohol tolerance was still quite low considering how thin he was and his height/weight ratio. He had never drank more than a beer or two at a time.

It should be noted that he thought there was no way he could be drunk because he had seen Bokuto drink at least twice as much as he had and still be able to function (mostly) normally. However a few drinks later as he got up to go to the bathroom he became extremely dizzy and bumped into a very large and seemingly very intoxicated man. He tried to mumble some sort of apology but the man simply refused to accept it. He pushed Akaashi back into a table, and when he tried to stand up the larger (and clearly stronger) man had grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pullling him up to eye level, shouting profanities in his face. At this point the manager had heard all the racket and came out to break up the fight. Akaashi who had been genuinely scared for his own physical safety felt relieved for a moment until he saw the man talking to the manager about how he was trying to start a fight. From the way they spoke so familiarly with each other he was able to assume that they knew each other previously. He was able to have Akaashi kicked out of the bar even though he wasn't the one at fault. 

Still a bit dazed from the fight (which had mostly just been Akaashi getting screamed at), he slumped down with his back against the brick wall of the building. His head felt all fuzzy and he couldn't think straight. He didn't know what to do. He was too dizzy to walk anywhere, and surely he couldn't call his parents and let them see him like this. That would mean he couldn't go home either, so where could he go? And even if he had a place to stay, he didn't feel comfortable calling a taxi- the thought of being in a car with a complete stranger had always made him uncomfortable He leaned his head back closing his eyes as he pondered what to do.




He woke up with a pounding head and a pain in his neck. For a moment he forgot where he was before he remembered the incidents from earlier that night. Well that's what I get for sleeping against a brick wall.. The sky was completely black. He reached in his back pocket for his phone to check what time it was. 1:12 am.. The buses definitely aren't running. He had two messages from his mom. "Keiji? Where are you? It's midnight and you never came home? Are you okay?" The second one read, "I assume you went him with one of your friends or something. I trust you'll be home tomorrow though because you need to look after the house because your father and I are going out. Don't stay up too long.  looked at his phone for a moment thinking about what to do. He just didn't respond to the messages, not wanting to lie to his mother, but not wanting to tell the truth either. He stared at his home screen for a moment before opening the contacts app. He clicked on the Favorites section and scrolled down to the third name there.

His only friend.

The only person he felt he could truly trust.

And the only person he knew would still be awake at 1:12 am...

Bokuto Koutarou.

Word count: 1054

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