Chapter 18: Forever

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Akaashi leaned back waiting for the food to be done, he could hear Bokuto humming some song to himself while he worked. He was really tired, so he closed his eyes, and he might have drifted off for a bit because he hadn't even noticed when Bokuto walked up next to him. He sat up to look at the larger man.

"Hey Akaashi, here-" Bokuto was holding out a cup of tea. "I figured it would make your throat feel better- you sounded a bit raspy earlier.. and I just figured since we uh- well.. you know.." Bokuto's face was slowly turning redder and redder. 

"Oh and food is almost done too." 

Akaashi just sat there, his gaze shifting from the tea, to Bokuto, and back to the tea. Tears started to stream down his face. Bokuto was utterly confused. 

"Uh- Akaashi? D-do you not want it? What do you need? I'm sorry.." Akaashi snapped out of it, quickly grabbing the tea from Bokuto, 

"N-no! Thank you Bokuto.." Bokuto crouched down so he could be face level with Akaashi since he was still sitting on the couch and he was standing. 

"Why are you crying?" He asked, wiping the tears from Akaashi's face with his thumbs. 

"I love you Bokuto." Bokuto thought for a moment. 

"I love you too Akaashi, but why does that make you cry?" Bokuto asked, placing his hands on Akaashi's face. 

"I-I'm crying because I always thought that I'd go unnoticed.. Just another person you knew in high school.. another insignificant side character in the story of your life- but I don't want to be a side character. From the moment I saw you, I knew I never wanted to be a side character. I chose Fukurodani because of you, and I want to be with you forever.. I know that you're a third year, and I'm a second year, and you are leaving next year.. but that doesn't matter to me. I want you to make me tea every day, and when you aren't feeling well, I'll make it for you. I want to cook for you, since you can't, but you will still get to make us instant ramen when I'm tired. I want to fall asleep next to you every night, even if it's 4 am. I want you to pick me up when I'm drunk, or better yet come get drunk with me! And of course.. I want to have sex with you, but I also want to be able to see you sliding on the floor in your socks, and jumping over the couch every day because that's who you are, and that's who I love. I want to see you at your best, and I want to see you at your worst. I want to be the one you can always rely on, and I never want you to leave me. Don't leave me.. please Bokuto.. I love you."

 At this point Bokuto was holding back his own tears. 

"Akaashi, you could never be a side character in my life. And from now on, I promise I will never let you feel insignificant again, because you are my one and only." 

Bokuto had never been great with words, but that was enough for Akaashi. He wrapped his arms around Bokuto's neck (being careful not to spill the tea). He didn't know how they would make it work, being a year apart, going to different schools, pursuing different careers, but he knew that he would do whatever it takes as long as it meant he could be with Bokuto. 

"You know what this means, don't you?" 

"What does it mean, Akaashi?" 

"Now I have free access to all of your hoodies!" They both laughed for a bit before realizing the food was still on the stove. Somehow, Bokuto had managed to overcook one of the easiest foods in existence yet, to Akaashi, it was the greatest food he'd ever tasted. They laid on the couch and ate their ramen, even though it was practically falling apart, and they were happy. Years from now, they would still remember this day, and years from now, they would still eat ramen on the couch together and be happy. Of course, this isn't to say it was always easy- there would be fights, tears would be shed, but most importantly, they would always come back to each other. Every fight, every tear, just meant they would come back stronger. 

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