Chapter 2: He Would Happily Provide

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Akaashi hesitated for a moment before clicking the green Call button. He held the phone up to his ear as he listened to it ring, one... two... three times before there was a pause.

"HEY, HEY, HEY! AKAASHI!! Wait- What are you still doing up? Normally you go to sleep at 11 pm!"

Akaashi smiled slightly at Bokuto's energy- even at 1 am. He truly was a night owl. He took a deep breath, trying to make sense of all the words jumbled up in his pounding head before speaking.

"Uh, hi Bokuto San- I drink something.. And someone yelled at me, to make me leave and my parents would be unhappy because I have drink.. Car? I need sleep somewhere.."

All of Akaashi's words were slurred and hardly audible but Bokuto could tell enough of what Akaashi was saying to figure out that he was drunk, tired, and needed a place to stay for the night- which he would happily provide, but he wasn't happy that Akaashi went drinking.. especially alone. Bokuto worried about what could have happened to him.

"Akaashi.. you shouldn't have gone drinking.. especially alone.. ESPECIALLY WITHOUT A RIDE! Do you have ANY idea what could have happened?? I doubt you would have noticed if someone spiked your drink.. And besides-"

Bokuto paused, he could hear Akaashi sniffling. Was he.. Crying?

"I-I'm sorry Bokuto San.. p-please don't leave me.."

Bokuto felt the guilt rising in his stomach- he didn't mean to make Akaashi feel bad- he just didn't know what he would do if something bad had happened to him.

"I-I didn't mean.. God, Akaashi.. It'll be alright. I'll be there soon.."

Bokuto hung up as Akaashi closed his eyes again trying to stop the tears as they burned down the side of his face. He didn't even know why he was crying.. was it because he thought he had disappointed Bokuto? Was it because he was afraid of losing him? Was it because he was worried he would think less of him?

These thoughts raced through his head, although he couldn't fully comprehend most of them, his head too blurry to really understand anything at the moment- but all of they all melted away as he saw Bokuto's familiar car pull up as he rolled down the window to reveal his smiling face.


All of those negative thoughts clouding Akaashi's mind had vanished as soon as he saw Bokuto. How long did it take him to drive here? 10 minutes? That was about how far away his house was- but had he really been sitting there for 10 minutes?

He heard a click as Bokuto unlocked the car.

"Hop in!"

Akaashi slowly stood up and walked to the car, almost tripping over his own feet before plopping down in the passenger seat, exhaling deeply.

"Soooooo... what happened to your shoe?" Bokuto asked, seeming somewhat amused. Akaashi just looked at him confused.

Bokuto gestured to his left foot. Akaashi looked down to realize that he was missing his left shoe.

"Oh uh- I have no idea.. I had it earlier.." he mumbled. Now Bokuto was slightly concerned but he didn't want Akaashi to know, so he just sat there with a smile.

As they drove home Akaashi kept shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He felt hot and dizzy. Bokuto didn't like the silence, so he just started spewing random nonsense about practice and how he had failed his last writing test.

Akaashi was only half listening, he doubted listening would have made Bokuto any easier to understand.

"...aaaand that's how I ended up on the roof! crazy story ri-" He was cut off by Akaashi,

"Bokuto San- it's too hot in here"

"Oh, do you want me to open the windows or something?"

When Akaashi didn't respond, Bokuto glanced over to Akaashi's side looking for some kind of response only to see the smaller boy attempting to remove his shirt.

Word count: 658

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