Chapter 9: The Morning After

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Akaashi stared in the mirror for a good five minutes before he was able to pull his eyes away from the sight of all the marks on his neck and chest. He put his face in his hands, trying to think, but his mind was blank. I don't remember.. I don't remember.. I don't..

He couldn't think of anything else.

He had woken up in Bokuto's bed, in Bokuto's clothes, covered in hickies- The answer should have been obvious, but it just didn't make any sense.. no- it made perfect sense, he just couldn't bring himself to believe what had happened-

Just then, he noticed some of his clothes on the floor in the corner of the bathroom. On top of his, were Bokuto's. Akaashi felt like his head was spinning- he thought of so many possibilities of what could have happened last night, he felt almost dizzy.

He pulled the hoodie up to cover as much of his neck as possible before nearly tripping down the stairs and stumbling into the kitchen.

There he found Bokuto, pouring some coffee as he looked up to meet Akaashi's eyes for a brief moment before looking back down. Not a good sign..

"Oh uh, hey Akaashi! Um.. how are ya feeling?"

Akaashi just looked at him in confusion.. the way he said his words- it wasn't.. sad but it didn't seem happy.. he seemed exhausted too.

Akaashi paused for a moment, ignoring the question as he fidgeted with his fingers, a telltale sign that he was nervous, and Bokuto could tell.

He inhaled deeply, thinking about what to say.

"So- Um, B-Bokuto San- about last night.. did we-"


Akaashi was startled. Bokuto had just interrupted him, practically screaming 'sugar' at him and he didn't know what the hell it meant. Some sort of code?? Maybe it has something to do with last night.. What the hell even happened??

Bokuto noticed Akaashi's concerned expression before he corrected himself,

"I-I mean, do you want sugar in your coffee?"

Akaashi only just now noticed that he had two mugs and he exhaled deeply, relieved that it was just a normal question.

"Oh uh yes please.. Thanks Bokuto.."

"Yeah.. no problem." The awkward silence in the room lasted only a few seconds, but seemed like hours to the both of them before Akaashi spoke up.

"Hey.. Bokuto?"


"About what happened last night-"

Bokuto panicked.


"Bokuto San, Wait-"

Tried to stop ME? What the hell happened? What did I do?

Bokuto looked at Akaashi and the pure confusion in his eyes.

Crap.. he didn't even ask me and I just jumped to conclusions..

"What do you mean tried to stop me? What the hell happened?"

Bokuto felt like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die-

"I- well.. You kinda-"

"Wait, wait, wait- ME? I'm confused- You mean to tell me that I did something when I am the one with all these hickies?!"

Akaashi pulled the hoodie down a bit revealing his neck.

Bokuto stared blankly, only just now realizing that he had put them there. It was so dark and he was too caught up in the moment to notice it last night. Bokuto just stood there in shock. Akaashi was standing there, looking like he was about to cry. Bokuto could feel the guilt rising in him. Akaashi hardly ever yelled, or cried for that matter.

He felt the guilt rising in him as he reached out his arms, walking toward the smaller boy, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry."

They said it at the same time.

Then, they stood there silently for a moment, finding comfort in each others arms. Bokuto was the first to pull away.

"D-do you really want to know what happened last night?"

"I-I'm not really sure anymore.. Was it bad?"

"Well.. it depends on what you mean by, bad."

"Well.. If you don't mind, I think it would be best if you told me. I saw our clothes on the bathroom floor.."

Bokuto stood there for a moment, thinking about the best way to explain it, while trying to keep most of their dignity..

"Well, I'm not sure how much you remember, but you were drunk so I had to pick you up from a bar at 1 am and I let you stay at my place, and you wanted to take a shower."

Akaashi was silent just listening as Bokuto told the story, watching his facial expressions change. He looked like he really had to focus on his words and what he was saying. Akaashi could always read Bokuto pretty well, and he knew when there was something he wasn't telling him.

"Okay, so I took a shower, and?"

"W-well, you just- uh.. Asked me to stay with you- so uh I did."

"What do you mean with me?? Like- in with me?!"

"Wha- N-NO! I mean.. Uh well- sorta.. I wasn't IN the shower with you.. Actually, that's not true either.. I- ugh! How do I put this?"

"S-so you were in the shower with me?"

"Well, no.."

Akaashi looked up at him, completely and utterly lost. Bokuto's face turned a light pink.

"Well, you see- I was sitting outside the shower, but then I asked t-to come in with you- and.. You said yeah.."

Word count: 897

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