Chapter 13: I Promised Didn't I?

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"You didn't think we were done already, did you? After all.. You wanted to go all the way, didn't you Keiji?"

Bokuto's voice was slightly deeper than normal, which made Akaashi shudder.

"Y-yeah.. I did.." 

Bokuto noticed the slight undertone of fear in the smaller boy's voice and immediately reached out to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you.. and I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

Akaashi looked up at Bokuto and nodded.

"Uh- Would you feel more comfortable if I took the belt of your wrists?"

Akaashi turned beet red, as he turned away from Bokuto's gaze.

"Oh n-no it's okay.. it's just that- well, I kinda.. l-like it.."

Bokuto reached out to turn Akaashi's cheek so he would be facing him again.

"Hey- don't look away from me. I want to be able to see your pretty face.. besides, there's no need to be embarrassed- after all, I think it's pretty hot too.."

"B-Bokuto San.."

"Yes, Akaashi?"

"A-are you going to fuck me now, or what?"

Bokuto let out a laugh before pressing a kiss to Akaashi's forehead.

"Akaashi, if I did that now, there's no doubt I end up hurting you. Be patient, because I'm taking you all the way. I promised, didn't I?"

Bokuto's eyes were lustful, yet gentle as he said this, putting Akaashi's mind at ease.

He seems so confident.. He knows how to take care of me. Akaashi thought. 

However, Bokuto was just as nervous as Akaashi, if not more. He had never done this with a guy  before, but he didn't want to make Akaashi nervous, so he just put on a brave face to hide all his worries. It was the least he could do for the one he loved. He reached over to grab something from a drawer in his desk. Akaashi gulped when he saw him grab a bottle of lube and a condom. Even though he almost never used them, Bokuto's parents always made sure he kept them just in case.

Akaashi watched silently as Bokuto opened the lube, pouring a generous amount on his fingers before closing the lid again.

"Please don't hesitate to tell me if you want me to stop." 

Akaashi didn't respond and just kept his eyes on Bokuto who took the hint as he slowly lowered his hand toward Akaashi's entrance, gently pressing a single finger in.

Akaashi whimpered at the new and strange feeling. It wasn't painful,  just strange.. Bokuto began to move his finger slightly, trying to prepare Akaashi for the second. After a moment when Akaashi had become more adjusted, he nodded at Bokuto to add another finger. The second finger certainly felt different than the first, as he could feel his body being stretched wider. Once he fully had two fingers in, Bokuto looked down at the smaller boy. He had tears in his eyes and he was biting his lip so hard, he was worried it might bleed. 

With his free hand, Bokuto reached up to stroke Akaashi's cheek, wiping away a single tear as it slid down his cheek.

"It's okay, just tell me if you want to stop. It will be easier if you relax."

Bokuto whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Akaashi inhaled deeply, closing his eyes for a moment, and Bokuto could feel him relaxing a bit more as he exhaled.

"B-Bokuto.. add another- I can take it.'

"Okay, but I don't want you pushing yourself for me.."

Akaashi shot him a look saying  just shut up and do it already. Bokuto slowly began to scissor his two fingers, preparing to add a third. Akaashi's began breathing a bit more heavily as Bokuto inserted the third and final finger. He sighed in relief when he felt that it was inside of him fully. Bokuto began to move his fingers, stretching Akaashi so he wouldn't be in any pain later. As soon as he was well adjusted, Bokuto began to thrust his fingers in and out of Akaashi, curling them a bit sometimes, trying to find the place he was looking for..


 Akaashi had let the sound slip from his mouth. Bokuto smirked. 

Found it. 

The pain had almost completely faded as Bokuto began to thrust his fingers in and out of Akaashi, purposely hitting the same spot every time. Akaashi bit his lip, trying to stifle his moans unsuccessfully.

"Ngh- Bokuto!" 

"Yes, Akaashi? Tell me what you want?" 

"I- Mmm- w-want you!" 

"Don't you already have me Akaashi?" Bokuto said teasingly. 

"N-not just your f-fingers.." 

"Then what part of me do you want Akaashi?" Bokuto was clearly enjoying teasing him way too much (at least in Akaashi's opinion). 

"Ah- Bokuto! y-you know what I m-mean!" Akaashi had barely managed to get out between moans. 

"Hmm, I'm afraid I don't.. So tell me Akaashi." At this point Akaashi was getting impatient. Bokuto just kept speeding up his fingers, clearly not going to stop until Akaashi gave him an answer. 

"Your dick! Bokuto, I want your dick inside of me!" 

Akaashi could feel his face heating up as the words he just spoke truly registered in his mind. He watched a grin spread across Bokuto's face. "Hmm.. I might be able to do that... but first, I wanna see you beg." 

Word count: 887

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