Chapter 14

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Luke’s POV

“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” The question came out rushed and as much as I tried to stay calm about the whole situation, my voice failed me. Despite the cold weather, I could literally feel my cheeks burning as a nervous chuckle escaped my lips.

Alex's face lit up at my question her eyes growing wide and her lips curved into the biggest grin I had ever seen on her.

"Holy shit, yes." She said, and soon her arms were around my neck, she had given me a rushed kiss on the lips, smiling against it.

"For a moment I thought you'd say no." I chuckled. Soon the Ferris wheel started moving again, and the moment we stepped off it, a fair amount of people around started cheering for us, it was quite embarrassing to say the least. I found Alex's faced buried into the crook of my neck, heat coming from her rosy cheeks.

"Oh my god, let's get out of here." She said, still not facing me.

“You’re my girlfriend now.” I grinned at her, and she rolled her eyes at me as we walked through the giant entrance doors.

“And I’m pretty sure you’re my boyfriend. 98% percent sure about it, but I still have my doubts because you’re way too dorky for me.” She turned to face me and scrunched up her nose in the most adorable way.

Once we were outside, I couldn't help but notice the cheesy smile Alex had plastered on her face, full teeth showing, and a few crinkles near her eyes. Her hair was all over her face due to the strong wind, and she kept trying to brush it off with her own hands, but failing miserably, pouting because of it.

I'm so lucky to have her.

"So...girlfriend, Clarissa is coming tomorrow, and I thought that maybe you would want to accompany me as I drive to the airport to pick her up." I said, taking out my phone to check once again the time of arrival of my sister’s flight.

Alex seemed to think about it for awhile. "I don't know...boyfriend. Remember that as for now, you aren't my parents' favorite person, but let's see how I work that out." She swung our interlaced hands back and forth as we walked inside one of the too many Starbucks coffee shops.

"Her flight arrives at 5 o'clock. I could pick you up from school and we can go from there. Tell your parents you're doing a project with Nina or some shit." I said as I read Clarissa's hundreds of texts she had sent me last night.

"I always tell her I'm doing a project with Nina, when in fact I'm with you." She pointed her finger at my chest, wiggling it against it, making me chuckle.

"Then tell her you had to go to the library, I don't know." I placed my head behind her shoulder as Alex took both my hands in hers and walked to the cashier, where a dude with too much acne for my liking was waiting to take our orders.

"H-hi, welcome to Starbucks. May I take your order?" He stammered and I tried to bite back a chuckle.

"Hey!" Alex chirped, and then turned her head back slightly. "What do you want?" She whispered.

", yeah." I said, not really caring what Alex ended up buying for me. She just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Pimple Boy.

"One green tea frappe, and one regular caramel frappe, please." She said with a smile. Pimple Boy smiled back and registered her order.

"That would be $9.45." The boy said in an excited tone. He was pretty annoying.

Alex soon took her wallet out and refused once again when I told her I could pay for my coffee.

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