Prologue: Behold The League Of Shadows

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Talia POV

Tetch was going to be angry. He was the only person I had who could work in the technological field and he claimed to know no one else who could as well. He lied.

He knew someone very well. A very brilliant individual who I only found out about by chance, I found that person simply by monitoring some talent programs. Someone who could work in Tetch's field just as well, if not better. He had a daughter. She didn't know of the League and neither did his wife.

That would soon change.

I raised my hand and pointed two fingers left. My right flank moved off and surrounded the house. Tetch's house. Then I put out all my fingers as a child would, rasing their hand for their teacher. My right flank fanned out behind me and I advanced, dropping my arm.

Usually I wouldn't care enough to take an interest in the families of my assassins, but Tetch was an important aset and he was one of a kind. And he was one of a kind, I couldn't simply just not have any technological workers when he was killed or captured. I need another.

The girl was to be taken, forced to work for us. She should be happy she won't be killed because of Tetch's lies. However I can't say the same for her mother.

I knocked. It was quiet, but footsteps approached the door and I pressed my gun into the peephole, blocking it. It was silent. I considered just pulling the trigger and blowing out the brains of whoever was on the other side, but I didn't.

Finally the door opened and a woman was on the other side. With brown hair and a face wrinkled with time, green eyes and a frown of confusion. However the confusion diminished quickly enough when the woman noticed the gun pointing at her face and the army of assassins behind me.

"Wha- what d-do you want?" She stuttered, terrified.

I smiled and lowered the weapon.

"A glass of water would be nice." She hesitated and then shakily opened the door wider. I stepped inside and motioned for the assassins to stay put.

I followed her shaking form to a very nice kitchen and stood, waiting as she fetched my glass.

"You know, it would be nice if the rest of your family could join us." I said, smirking.

"N- I have no one else." She said.

She handed me the water and I looked menacingly into her eyes. She backed up quickly.

"Carmen! We have a visitor!" She yelled, never taking her eyes off me and the fear she had was clear in her voice.

I heard a soft patter of feet and looked around the wall.


Something hit my face lightly and I blinked, surprised. Not a second later and a small girl, about 7 was launching herself at me and smacking me in the face with a plastic nerf gun. I quickly grabbed her wrists and pushed the child back. She landed on the floor with a thump and cry of pain.

I snarled and ripped the gun from her hands, throwing it roughly away. Out the corner of my eye I saw the mother charging.

I had obviously underestimated her, she acted afraid just to fool me and she had, but it would not grant her victory. Neither would her distraction.

I dodged as the mother tried to hit me with a large cast iron pot. Her momentum sent the pan into the wall. She turned back around towards me, but she was far too late.


She dropped to the floor. Blood pooling beneath her head. Dead.

I heard a cry of horror and looked to the girl who was staring at the body in terror, shock, and horror. Repulsed, I grabbed her roughly by the forearm and dragged her outside.

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