12. Brothers and Cookies

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Jason's POV

I walked down the hall, past Damien's room to my own. It was silent, now everyone was back from Bruce's office, finding Carmen, or the police station. Everyone was in their rooms, probably in bed, minus Tim, who never sleeps. Unless Dick or Alfred drugged him.

I reached my room and slid quietly in, setting an alarm for 1:00 a.m. I had someone to visit tonight.

I climbed into bed, but didn't sleep. How could I? Everything Bruce said to me just keep playing in my head. He needed me. I was relatable to people in ways he never could.

I was happy that he had accepted that he couldn't help the two kids and asked for my help. Glad he didn't think I would try to brainwash them to hate him.

I was also happy he hadn't brought me there because I killed someone and that he accepted my methods of Justice.

I smiled to myself as I thought about it all.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I turned over and turned off the alarm. Wow, an hour passed by fast.

I got up and walked quietly to the door, opening it, but leaving it ajar.

I walked to Damian's room and opened the door quietly, it didn't make a sound. Stealthily, I crept to his bedside and leaned over him, pulling out a knife.

Then I stabbed him.


Stealthily, I crept to his bedside and leaned over him, then I sat in his desk chair next to his bed. I made a small creak, but Damian didn't wake.

After about 30 minutes, he started to stir. Turning over. Then again, more quickly. Soon, he wasn't even turning anymore, but silently thrashing against unseen bonds. It scared me how quickly it escalated and I quickly stood, getting to work.

I knelt by his side and started whispering, "You're in a green field. There are a few clouds, you're all alone. But that's okay, it's very peaceful here. Titus is there. He waits for you by a tree, a book propped up against his side. It looks interesting. You should read it."

His thrashing slowly stops as I send the ideas to him, he becomes still again, peaceful.

I stand. My work here is done.

I start towards the door.

"Titus." I hear Damian whisper, his hand twitching.

I turn and look at him. He has a small smile on his face, the demon never looked so angelic before.

I smile and leave the room, nearly punching Tim as he walks up next to me.

"Whoa Jason! Don't kill me, leave that to one of the thugs." He says. "Or even demon, but it appears you have tamed the beast."

"Shut up." I said and continued walking.

We reached my door and Tim put his hand on my should.

"What's up?" He asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"With me or the demon?"

"Him." Tim replied, moving his hand.

"Didn't know you cared."

"The same could be said about you."

"I care."

"As do I, what was that all about, Jason? I may not openly show it, but I care for Damian." Tim said.

"He has nightmares. Just like all the rest of us, but he's just beginning to get them. They are probably at their worst right now." I explained.

"He'll get better. He's tough." Tim said.

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