6. Exposed

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It's Wednesday now.

Bruce POV

Damian, Tim, and Dick just left for school an hour ago. They took Diana this time as Damian's security detail. She was not happy about having to follow a male around all day, but I don't care.

Oliver, Barry, and I are all around the Bat computer, trying to make connections. I have the security cameras on a screen. Clark isn't really good with Tetch so he is sitting off to the side, Jason is with him. I'm sure Jason is keeping him... Comfortable.

Yesterday we had alot of work to do, we eliminated at lot of leads. I researched Tetch, found that he had a daughter. Carmen Tetch. She was supposedly kidnapped on her birthday, her mother's body was found inside their house.

So now, I'm watching the security cameras in Damian's classroom. Wondering about the assassin from the League that is there.

I already checked all his teachers and other staff members. They were all clean. Any of them could have been bribed into killing him. What worried me most though, was that one of the students were from the League of Shadows.

I checked all the main information on every student, everyone checks out. So if one of them is it, they know what they're doing when making false files.

Now I'm observing the classroom, looking for anything suspicious. I've been watching for about ten minutes now. Nothing.

I noticed several students all females staring at Damian out the corner of their eyes, discreet for them, clear as day to me. To anyone with trained eyes. Poor Damian.

I glance at Damian. He stares at his paper for a moment. He has been done with his paper for a few minutes, unlike most of his class. He startes writing again. Just tracing his name, but on the second 'a' he glances at the girl beside him, narrowing his eyes. He continues writing and stops looking at her when he finishes his name.

I look at her too, studying her intently this time. She is done with her paper, her chair is pushed out slightly, her legs tense. Her hands are placed on her lap and she stares at them sadly. That's when I notice them. Her hands, they look swollen and she wears black leather gloves over them. The ends of the gloves disappear under her jacket.

The fingers have no real places where her knuckles or curves are. Just the shape of a hand.

Suddenly she and the rest of the class looks up at the teacher, who begins to speak. The girl picks up her pencil and begins to write. The pencil sinks into her skin farther than any normal hand. Obviously fake. Her hands are fake.

Thats when it all clicks. The girl who attacked the assassin on Monday. Carmen Tamal. The captured  assassin who spoke of Tetch's daughter. Tetch's daughter's name was Carmen Tetch. All the assassin got out through his gargled blood was arm on tall.

Arm on tall.

Carmen Tamal.

Carmen Tamal is Carmen Tetch and her mission was to assassinate my son. And she was sitting right next to him.

I pushed my comms and stood up, heading for the elevator. "Woner Woman come in. I know who the assassin is."

Everyone start panicking and screaming with excitement because things are about to get very intense.

Diana POV

It was the second hour of ELA. My comms crackled.

"Wonder Woman come in. I know who the assassin is." Batman spoke in my ear.

I looked around the class, made sure nobody was watching and pressed my comm.

"Who?" I asked quietly.

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