3. Mission Report

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Third POV

"League meeting is now in session. Before we go over the usual, Flash I would like to here your report." Superman said, looking to the speedster.

Flash looked up from his bag of chips, eyes wide. "Wha?" He asked.

"Your report. Damian was attacked at school, yes?" Black Canary asked.

"Oh. Yeah. So there was this creepy guy in black clothing and you couldn't see their face much it was all dark and-" Aquaman cut him off.

"Please. Be a little more specific. Your practically describing Batman and Damian." Aquaman said and the rest of the League nodded.

"Fine then. Some guy with a black cloak and hood came in and shot at Damian. Damian dodged, caught the creep, everythings good. Except for the guy, the Bat Brothers are questioning him." Flash shivered.

"How did this person react to your fighting style, were they easy to take down or no? Did it seem professional or personal?" Black Canary asked.

"Um. Well, they tripped me." He scratched the back of his neck.

"And...?" Green Arrow asked, waving his hand for Flash to continue.

"I didn't really fight him. He was way ahead of me and there was a thick crowd of students-" Wonder Woman cut him off.

"So how was he defeated? Obviously he didn't just run into a wall or-" Flash cut her off.

"Will you guys stop interrupting me? I'l tell you. Just give me a moment. No, he didn't run into a wall. A student was around a corner and swung her booksack at him. Knocked him over and I just came and handcuffed him." Flash explained.

"Who is the girl?" Superman asked.

"Carmen Tamal. Brown hair and eyes. Kinda creepy." Flash said.

"Creepy how?" Green Arrow asked, his interest piqued.

"Kind of emotionless, rude, she attacked a man with a gun, pretty much told her whole class she didn't care about them at all and alot of people were glaring at her when we got there." Flash explained.

"So normal Gotham kid?" Superman asked.

"Not necessarily." Green Arrow said.

"So where is Batman? I assumed he would have wanted to know all this." Wonder Woman asked.

"I told him. He is making sure his sons don't strangle the guy that attacked Damian and is looking up Carmen and leads." The League nodded.

"So, since he isn't here should we maybe talk about him?" Black Canary asked slowly.

"What is there to talk about?" Aquaman asked

"Batman has been acting slow and tired lately. Lots is happening in Gotham, through both his personas." Black Canary said.

"I've noticed. It's alot of stress. Bruce hasn't had a break, Batman hasn't had a break. Maybe we should help out with just this one case. Take some of the weight off his shoulders." Superman said.

"I don't know. Batman doesn't really like us in Gotham." Wonder Woman said.

"We don't really like being there either." Flash mumbled and Superman raised his eyebrows at him.

"I think he wouldn't mind us helping out this one time." Green Arrow said.

"Then it's decided then. We'll all help out with this one."

"Okay, but Green Arrow and I both have cities we need to keep safe too." Superman said.

"I'm sure you'll find time inbetween crimes in Metropolis to be in Gotham. There isn't all that much crime in Metropolis." Black Canary replied.

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