1. Scheming

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My apologies. We are going to not have a book anymore. Now you can read my extremely boring desk's autobiography about what it is like to be an inanimate object. Just pretend Carmen died.

Nah, I'm joking.

Bruce POV

When I was a desk, there was another desk. She was ugly. She had crayons markings all over her, but I wasn't much better. I had paint splattered across my back. My draw was duct taped shut. The other desk's name was Selena Kyle. We were madly in love. But we could never get free time, because my sons, Binder (Tim), Chair (Dick), scissors (Jason), and Metal Ruler (Damian) were always around. Selena had enough one day and snapped. Literally. She broke in two and some fleshy desks took her away and burned her in their backyard. Then, to make my day worse, a dog peed all over me. The peed lit on fire and the the house burnt down with us inside it. We all died. The end.

Ok, sorry. For real now.

Bruce POV

I slammed my hand down on the table. Suprising many of the League members. They looked up at me, surprised. I had been quiet this whole time, thinking. Lost in thought. Completely out of character for me, but I had other things on my mind.

"Well, Batman? You've gotten our attention. Is there any reason for your sudden outburst?" Wonder woman asked, eyebrows raised.

"No reason." I said. I was aggravated, but the League wouldn't be able to help, there was no point in telling them.

"No reason?" Superman asked.

"None." I said menacingly. My anger usually makes them go away.

Apparently that was not the case this time.

"He is angry." Martain Manhunter says.

I glare at him.

"Obviously. Maybe some person with emotions took his place when we weren't looking." Flash said.

"When are you ever paying attention to anything?" Black Canary asked.

He shrugged.

"So what has gotten you upset Batman?" Aquaman asked.

I sighed. "Nothing you can help me with. Continue the meeting."

"Nah, we're good. You have pipped our interests." Flashed leaned on me and grinned, putting his arm around my shoulders.

Do you want to lose that arm?

I glared at him and he quickly removed it.

"Come on Batman. At least let us know what is bothering you."

I looked at Green Arrow. "You remember Ras Al Ghul?" I asked.

He shivered, but then nodded.

"Well, I have found several of his men in a warehouse in Gotham. He died and Talia was killed about a month ago. Damian would be next in line, but he's with me. Slade hasn't contacted the League of Assassins, but they are on the move. I don't know who is leading them." I confessed.

"Well, perhaps Talia had another assassin to take her place after death." Wonder Woman suggested.

"No. That's not how the League operates. They need someone of the Al Ghul bloodline to lead them." Green Arrow said.

"Maybe she grew another Heretic and he is leading them." Black Canary said.

"Why would he want to go to Gotham though? There is nothing for him there." Martian Manhunter pointed out.

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