10. Would You Jump?

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Carmen POV

I push the gag out of my mouth with my tongue and bring my legs up, kicking the goon who had been tying them together.

"Arrhhh!" I yell as I push my feet against the ground, pushing myself violently upward and against the goons holding me down.

My back burns as the goon who has his foot against it is shoved off. They come back at me and I happily kick the closest one in face. My wrists rub against the rope and I wince as I feel myself begin to bleed.


The goons begin to surround me again but I refuse to go down. Damian groans from his spot on the floor and I see several goons turn to him.

He wasn't a target. At least in the conversation I listened in on, would they kill him? Use him against Batman and the others? It would all be my fault.

If I hadn't pressed that button and let the League of Shadows know I was in trouble, everyone would be safe. I would have be arrested and then Talia would have sent an assassin to kill me. Everyone would have been fine. This was all my fault.

I kicked and headbutted goons until I made my way to Damian, who looked to be slowly gaining consciousness. I made sure to ward off goons trying to get to him.

I stilled as something sharp was pressed against my back.

"Stop moving kid. We don't want to hurt you." The goon behind me said gently.

"Pshh." What a load of bologna.

However stupid the goon was, I was still at knife point. Couldn't he have put it around my neck or put me in a headlock? Why does life have it out for me?

Oh yeah, I help assassins destroy life.


Let me think. What to do? What to do? Aha! These guys work for Joker! So...

"Knock knock." I said.

I heard a few of the criminals scoff, but one of them walked in front of me and took off his mask. Revealing a scared and warped face, pale as chalk and blood red lips that stretched too far.

This guy looked retarded.

"Whose there?" He asked, that ugly smile on his face.

Wow. I bet he was Joker's right hand man. With a smile like that, how could a man like the Joker resist him?

"Batman." I said.

He laughed maniacally. Ew, someone needs to brush their teeth.

"Batman who?"

I looked at him quizzically.

"Do you not know who Batman is?" I asked.

He grinned and chuckled darkly.

"I like this one. Too bad Talia wants you dead." He sighed dramatically and I almost gagged.

His breath...

"Hey, you don't have to let Talia kill me. You could just, um, let us go." I proposed.

"Nah!" He said and then turned around and laughed, he started walking away and I was prodded forward.

I saw two goons grab Damian's biceps and drag him forward.

"You should make your own decisions. Don't let a man like Joker control you." I said.

He paused and looked me up and down.

"Do you not know who the Joker is?" He asked, using my previous worss against me.

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