2. Target Assessment

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Hey, I just realized that I've been doing this in first person POV instead of omniscient third. So opps.

Damian POV

"Father. This is unnecessary." I complained.

"I'm not arguing with you anymore." Bruce said.

"Well too bad, because I am and I refuse to be treated like a insolent child! You don't have a choice." I replied snappily.

He thinks he can force me to have an imature man-baby watch me all day. Absolutely unacceptable.

"I'm done Damian. You don't have a choice. If I choose to assign the Flash as part of your security detail, then it will be so." He stared at me emotionlessly and I glared.

"Fine then. But don't expect him to keep up with me." I replied with a snarl and started walking towards the cab.

Tim stood at the door and smirked. "I hope you don't really think you can lose the fastest man alive and a member of the Justice League easily."

I rolled my eyes before brushing past him.

"In a school? Easily. I'm sure all the women will be swooning all over him. The perfect distraction." I said airily.

Alfred opened the car door. Flash was already in the passenger seat and I sat behind him. The door closed and I put my book sack on my feet as Tim got in the car.

"Well," Tim paused. "Why even does Damian need you?" Tim asked, diverting his attention to Flash.

Flash turned around to look at Tim, he opened his mouth to reply but I started speaking first.

"I don't need him."

Flash sighed, "You don't need me, but Bruce is paranoid."

"You could say that again." Tim turned to look out the window.

I did the same.

"Wait." Tim said, turning back around. "Why don't I have a security detail?"

"Uh... Oh look there's the school!" Flash exclaimed pointing to it.

Tim and I shared a look.

He has got to go.

Alfred pulled up the the front and we all climbed out, minus Alfred. Almost immediately a horde of female idiots gushed over and started demanding autograghs, flirting, and one even did so much start crying.

"Told you." I said before quickly walking away.

"Wait. Where's Damian? Girls please move, I'm here on professional business." Flash said, obviously panicking.

I wasn't going t give myself up, but I did feel sympathy. Alfred hadn't even left school property and he had already lost me.

I walked to my class and noticed we about half the student were here. The same amount as usual when I get here. I walked briskly to my usual seat, but quickly noticed it had been taken.

I wasn't the only one who had noticed either. Several of my classmates glared at the hooded figure in the back row. Of course, there was always those opportunists who thought this was a way I could sit by them, but I just sat in the seat next to my usual one.

I noticed that all of the people glaring at the person next to me, were males. More often than not, they were the more athletic ones. I studied the figure out the corner of my eye.

About usual female height, maybe taller. Female. Skinny, fit, slightly muscular, and her hair was hidden under the hood. It cast a shadow on her face, so I couldn't see much. Just a small rounded chin and average pink-red lips.

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