13. Healed

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Ok, I know I have alot to apologize for.... 1. Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile. 2. Sorry, I got a little bit carried away on the last chapter.... Yep. Whoops.

———Alfred's POV

"I suggest you all come to the kitchen and each of you take 4 cookies and eat them like a good family. If anyone else starts, joins, or forces a conflict to occur, I will take away their cookie privileges." I said into the speaker, letting my voice speak to the fighting family.

And soon enough, all the family stalked into the kitchen.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Now sit down." I ordered and placed a plate of 4 cookies in front of each person.

"How come Carmen still gets some?" Tim pouts.

"How come you are complaining about the wealth of others when you have everything you need right in front of you?" I asked.

He didn't reply and instead shoved a cookie into his mouth.

"Grayson?" Damian spoke up uncertainly, looking at Master Dick.

"Mmm?" Dick asked, trying to swallow a cookie.

"Did you drug me last night?" He asked.

Dick opened his mouth to reply but Jason burst out laughing.

"Is there something funny, Todd?" Damian scowled, but his cheeks were tinted red.

"Nope." Jason said, quieting and wiping tears of mirth from his eyes.

"Um..." Dic slowly turned from looking at Jason, to Damian. "No. Why?"

"No reason." Damian said quickly.

"No reason?" Bruce asked.

"None. Are you deaf, father?" Damian snapped.

Bruce glared. Which Damian pointedly smirked at.

"Is it just me, or does anyone feel like peeing themselves when they look at that glare?" Carmen asks, not taking her eyes off Bruce.

Bruce turns and looks at her, making her sink lower in her seat before he stops glaring. The boys burst out laughing, minus Damian, who just smirks.

"You'll get used to it." He says.

"I don't ever want to see that again."

All four of the boys start giving her the batglare.

Her eyes widen.

"Boys!" Bruce scolds.

They quit and smirk. Simultaneously. Which is also creepy.

"Something is seriously wrong with you people." Carmen says.

"Welcome to the batfamily." I sigh.

The End.

Or not. Damian wanted to add something.

"You're going to hate it here."


"Not if you don't steal our cookies." Tim added.

SHHH! I'm trying to end the story!

"Dick, do you hear something?" Jason asks.

"No. Do you?"

"Boys. Leave the author alone." Bruce says.

The End.

"Can I have another cookie Alfred?" Carmen says.


"Who peed in your cereal?" Carmen grumbles.

Why you little-

"Women. Please? I know you love me. No need to fight." Jason says.



"I QUIT!" Yells Carmen.



I WILL- You know what? If any of you speak again I will kill you. All I have to do it write in unbolded letters,

Suddenly the Manor exploded and everyone died. Their bodies burned too, so they can't be brought back to life.

Got it? Good.

The End.

End of Chapter 13 : Healed
Word Count: 522


"Can I speak now?"

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