5. Dodge Ball

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Carmen POV

I walked into my first hour class. It was ELA, I had Mrs. Rudra. She was annoying.

There was only a few people in the class, they were still taking out their stuff. I got here early, these people must have arrived just before me. I slide into the same desk as yesterday and took out the materials I needed for ELA.

The class started filling in and I didn't look up as my target walked into the room. However I couldn't help myself and neither could the rest of the class when we noticed his new security detail. Not the Flash.


How was I supposed to kill him with Superman guarding him? How did they even know we were trying to assassinate him? If they were onto us-

"Well class. Now that everyone is here. I would like to begin the day early. I would like to remind everyone not to distract the security detail and the punishments for doing so. Happy Tuesday.

"Now everyone go to the cart in the front of the classroom and take out your computer. If you take a computer that is not yours, you will receive an infraction."

Everyone stood and made their way to the front.

"Miss Tamal, you have computer 26." I nodded and waiting in the back of the line.

At last I reached the front and found the slot for 26. It was empty. I grabbed 27, knowing nobady had this computer. There were 25 students in the class, not including me.

Everyone knew what computer I had, Mrs. Rudra had said it aloud. Someone was purposefully messing with me.

"Now open your computers and login. Your username is your last name and your password is your birthday."

For the rest of the school day, everything went fine. I assessed Damian and Superman, memorized the school layout, made a few enemies, and got on the teachers' nerves. Everything was going fine, until P.E.

"Alright everyone. You all remember me. I'm Dick Grayson. I was a few years above you in school. I'm going to be your substitute until Mr. Martin comes back from vacation." The class cheered.

I cheered as well, but for two different reasons than the class.

1. Depending on how many years older than us he was, I possibly had leverage. I already knew he wasn't a certified teacher, but since Carmen Tamal can't tell him she read his file, I would have to see how long ago he went to school here and say that his time away wasn't enough to get certified as a teacher.

2. Now I could asses him in case I needed to fight him or use him as leverage while assassinating Damian.

From what I'm getting now, he is a 73.82 out of 100. Which is a high enough threat level to threaten me. However, he did not have much intellect from what what I was seeing. Only a 67.95 out of 100.

Still, strategically that's better than most, but I haven't even fully assesed him. Things could get better or worse, however, with my luck, they'll get worse.

"So everyone do some warm ups." Dick said and everyone started stretching. I did the warms ups that the coach we had yesterday wanted us to do.

"You can stop now. Everyone run a lap around the gym."

I ran a lap, it was easy. But I stayed slow and made sure to breath through my mouth like a normal kid. Most people breath through their mouths when working out, even though breathing through your nose is much more efficient.


I stopped, I was in the middle of the running group, not too fast, not too slow. Talia would be proud.

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