8. Deceptive Maneuver 93

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Batman's POV

"What?" J'onn asked incredulously.


"It's not your duty!"

"Martian Manhunter. What is the matter?" I ask.

He looks at Carmen, whose expression is guarded. Then at me.

"She-" Carmen cuts him off.

"I suggested and executed Deceptive Maneuver Ninety Three."

"What?!" I hear the boys exclaim in synchronization.

"Why would you do that?" I ask in monotone.

"It was the most efficient way to trick you all into trusting me. Quicker and more efficient openings for me to assassinate Damian." She lowers her head slightly in shame.

"What is Deceptive Maneuver Ninety Three?" Superman asked.

"A way to deceive someone. You let your allies harm you in front of important enemies. The enemies believe your people have turned against you and after your capture you win their hearts, gain their trust, and then carry out your mission." I explained, never losing eye contact with Carmen.

"And you suggested this... Maneuver?" Superman asked.


"You planned for Talia to injure you like that?"

Not necessarily like that, but, "Yes."

"She didn't plan for Talia to injure her the way she did." Martian Manhunter said.

"She took advantage of your willingness to serve. She could have fooled us with something lesser, and she knew that. You know this right?" I asked.

Carmen didn't answer.

"Carmen. Did you know this?" I asked again, more softly.

She hesitated, "No."

I stood up. The rest of the League stiffened.

I walked to Carmen's side of the table and pulled out key, unlocking the handcuffs.

Carmen's hands stayed on the table.

"Carmen. What did Talia do to your hands?"

This time Carmen stiffened.

"I don't know."

Anger exploded inside of me, but I held it in.

There was one more question to ask.

"Do you want to leave the League of Shadows?"

Her head snapped up and she stared into my eyes, searching them, trying to see a lie.

I pulled down my cowl to give her a better view.

She took a long time before she answered.


I smiled.

But then I frowned and looked towards the door.


I asked.

He didn't speak for a moment. "They're here."

I looked back to Carmen. "Stay here."

I stood up and motioned for the League to come. "Boys, stay with Carmen. Watch Damian." I ordered and they nodded.

I got readyand then swung the door open, charging out.

Gunshots immediately went off. Superman blocked most of them. Black Canary was the last out and she slammed the door behind her.

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