11. Domestic Problems

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Bruce's POV

"What were you thinking? You have the League of Shadows after you and you're in an unfamiliar area, why would you ever thing it's okay to leave?" I asked Carmen.

"I was overwhelmed, I wasn't thinking clearly! I- I just- there is- Uh!" She huffed and leaned back in the chair, trying to find the words to express her frustration.

"I don't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. There isn't any clear answer! I hate Talia. I hate Batman. I hate the League of Shadows. I hate heroes. I have been everything and nothing, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do!" She exclaimed, running her hand through her hair.

"There is never a clear answer. That's how tough decisions are. You don't know whether you made the right choice until the choice has been made." I said.

"But I don't make decisions. I follow orders. I've been following order since the beginning. I don't make decisions, other than small decisions in battle. All the big ones are already decided for me. I don't know how."  Carmen sighed.

"Just because you don't know how, doesn't mean you can't learn. You can learn to be your own person, learn to chose your own path instead of walking the one that's already paved for you." I said.

"But what if I don't want to?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't you?" I asked in return.

"It's so much easier to just, do as you're told." She says.

"Just because it's easy, it doesn't mean it's right." I said.

"But how would I know? My decisions have never before had rights and wrongs. It's always, which decision makes the job easier? Before, easy was right. Whatever gets the job done in the fastest possible way. No morality." She sighed. "Batman or Talia? Right or wrong? Both of you were people I hated and wanted to stay away from. So who do I chose now that I have the choice to chose one. Right or wrong? I don't even know what's right or what's wrong anymore."

I sighed.

"Carmen. Not everything is black and white. If you think too hard, everything is gray. You won't find a lesson that tells you what to do. Those are choices you have to makes and if you mess up, you learn."

"But if I make a mistake that's too big, I will fall."

"Why do we fall?" I asked, remembering my parents.

"Because something bad happened." Carmen said bluntly.

"No. We fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up." I said.

Carmen smiles.

"Only you can make the decision of what to do. I trust you'll make the right choice."


"Damian. Are you okay?" I ask Damian gently.

"Yes father. What do you want?" Damian asks, crossing his arms.

"Have a seat, with your stubbornness we might be here a while." I says, nodding to the seat Carmen had previously occupied.

Damian sits down slowly, not losing eye contact. He knows why he is here.

"I've noticed." I said.

"Noticed what? You're going to have to be a little more specific." Damian says.

"Don't play dumb. I've been watching you on patrol, in the manor, at night, did you think no one would notice your unusual behavior?" I ask.

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