9. Found

175 3 0

Damian POV

Yesterday we tried to get things to go back to normal. However I doubted things would be anymore normal than they were then. Especially now that we have another ex-assassin in the Manor.

Everyone went back to their cities or the watchtower. Bruce decided that Carmen would stay with us until he knew what to do with her. So, judging by Bruce's past actions I'd say she'll being staying until she's old enough to move out. Yay.

Note the sarcasm.

As much as I pity and hope Carmen will get better, and as much as I hope she has a nice rest of her life, I know she's going to cause alot of problems.

One, she's a girl in a house full of idiotic males.

Two, nobody fully trusts her.

And three, the League is probably going to come after her.

So really, I'm just waiting for something to happen. I slept in my suit last night and put more weapons on my bed. More than usual at least.

Carmen POV

I hate it here.

Not as much as I hate the League, but still.

There are so many reasons. Nobody trusts me, despite how they pretend to. This place is a maze and it makes me feel like I'm in a very large, intricate prision cell.

The tension is like a ticking bomb and I could break it with a feather. I'm not even allowed to leave because, apparently it's too dangerous and I can't handle myself.

No matter how distanced I keep myself, I always have the feeling of being watched. Always. And because of the people living with me, there's a good chance I am.

And I haven't even be here two days.

You know what? I need a walk. I don't even care anymore if I'm not allowed to. If I stay here any longer I might go crazy.

I know, I know. Leaving a safe place when assassins out for your blood are near is never a good idea.

If Talia finds me, who cares? I'll pull that crazy lady by the hair and drown her in a river. I don't work for her anymore. Nothing and no one holds me back now.

I'm free.

So, that's why I'm running across the roof tops of Gotham trying to get away from the bats that are following me.

Fun right?


I run around a corner where they temporarily lose sight of me. I jump in a crevice beween two buildings and press against them, holding myself up. Soon black figured jump over head and their footsteps fade away.

I swear ghey would have seen me if it had been day time.

I stay in the space for a little while, in case the bats come back and because I need a moment to breath. Breathing spaces probably aren't supposed to be thirty feet above the ground though.

I hear footsteps and I know the bats are circling back.

"If you don't find her within the next two days and bring her to me, the deal is off. Understood?"


That's Talia. She's hired someone to find her and they're both just feet away.

"I can do that. Puddin' has been bored all week anyway. I'm sure a little game of hide and seek will pick his spirits back up!" Insane laughter follows, but it slows down to giggling.

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