Chapter 5 - Found

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It has been 2 years since I started being a vigilante. I am pretty well known by now more heroes have been searching and trying to capture me. During my free time I often spy on them as animals and add on to my hero analises notebooks. My hero notebooks include a drawing of the hero's costume, hero name, real name, birthday, quirk, strength, weakness, fighting styles, secrets, and biggest fears.

I was doing my usual patrol with Eraserhead inteferning. I had a feeling that there were people following me. Turns out they had a few heroes follow and capture me. Heroes that include Edgeshot, Hawks, Best Jeanist form the top 10.

(Pov. Aizawa)

It's been two years since that Evergreen vigilante showed up and now multiple pro heroes are sent after him. It will be like the usual me encountering him, him escaping and running away. Well this time we will catch him for sure. I don't know how he is always disappearing. It's weird. He realises a flash bang or a smoke bomb then disappears.

Everyone has been secretly following him, careful not to get caught. We ended up at a forest next to U.A. That's where hawks took over and silently flew over to see if there were any traps or anything. I thought that he led us to the forest just to throw us off. What I didn't expect was a completely furnished house with electricity and lights. Has this always been here? Anyways we came back here at 4 in the morning to watch him. I was shocked when a 13 year old boy came out of the house. He had forest green hair, emerald eyes, and freckles. He looked like the boy that went missing 4 years ago.

"Oi, I think that the boy is the boy Izuku MIdoriya." I whispered to them. "He was claimed dead about three years ago."

"Are you sure it's him?" Edgeshot whispered to me.

"I am pretty sure it's him," I replied eyeing the house.

A bird flew to him and chirped something at him. The bird flew off as he went inside and came back out with a hoodie on. "Perfect timing lets go." I whisper to the rest of the heroes after 15 minutes. We searched the house a bit.

"I think I found something. Hero analises number 14. What the fuck," Hawks said flipping through a notebook.

"What did you find?" I asked in my monotone voice looking at the notebook. I couldn't believe my eyes. A notebook filled with info on heroes. "Wait if this is notebook number 14 then there must be more of them hidden somewhere here."

"It is honestly terrifying to know that there is someone in the world that knows basically everything about you." Best Jeanist said, flipping through the notebook finding a page on him.

"I know right..." a voice said.

"Who are you, show yourself." I started getting into a fighting stance.

(Pov. Izuku)

A little birdie told me that there are people in the forest watching me. I guessed that it was the heroes from the whispering. I had used the hearing of a wolf. Going in then coming back out I went into the forest. After a good 30 minutes I went back and slipped in through the window. They were looking through one of my notebooks

"It is honestly terrifying to know that there is someone in the world that knows basically everything about you." Best Jeanist said, flipping through my notebook finding a page on him.

"I know right..." I say eerie

"Who are you, show yourself." Eraserhead said as they all got into fighting stance.

"I'll do you better. What do you want?" I asked.

Ignoring my question Best Jeanist tied me up and Eraserhead erased my quirk. After getting quirk supprests on me they took me to the police station. Hawks flying over us the whole time.

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