Chapter Three: Who knew succes would taste so bitter

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Completely rained down and freezing cold from walking, I finally arrive home. softly I open the door, trying to not make any noise, to avoid waking up Dad. Not that it matters, he probably didn't even notice me leaving, and won't notice me coming home.

But as I enter the living room, I see Dad's still awake. He's sitting in his chair, staring outside the window, sunk away in his thoughts. He doesn't look up, doesn't notice me, like I expected.

Sighing I take off my coat, debating whether I should say something to him, or just go upstairs. I decide to go with the second option, and make my way to my room.

Exhausted from everything that happened tonight, I fall on my bed. My body's reeking of alcohol and sweat, but I'm too tired to get up again and shower. I'm too tired to do anything at all.

Thinking back, I should've known Jonah was gonna be mad. I mean, he was right. I did play with his feelings, I knew from the start it was just a fling. He has every right to be furious with me.

But kicking me out of his car and calling me a slut? That's even low for him. I knew what I did, fooling him, was wrong, but it's not my fault I didn't have feelings for him, or didn't want a relationship. All I wanted was to have fun, not thinking about commitment and that stuff. I thought he knew that and felt the same, but I guess I was wrong.

Suddenly my phone goes, and Paige's name pops up on the screen. I pick up relieved, now I can talk to someone about this everything.

"Harley!" Paige's voice screams into my ear. "Is it through what i just heard? Did you break up with Jonah?"

"That spread quickly." I sigh. "How do you know?"

"Daniel got a call from Jonah, he was furious about something. It was about you, I heard, something about a break up. Daniel rushed out after the call, so I couldn't ask him about it." Paige explained. "But so it is true? You broke up with him?"

"Yeah, I did. But wait, are you still at the party?" I ask. Jonah's friends can't hear us talking about this.

"No, my brother brought me home. But hey, are you okay? Do you want me to come over?" Paige sounded worried.

"You don't have to, I'm fine. I always knew I had to end it eventually, it couldn't get serious," I tell her.

"But I thought you really liked him? Why did you break up with him?"

"We had fun, but that doesn't take away how I feel about commitment and relationships. It was never meant to be more than just a fling," I explain.

"I was hoping he was gonna change your mind about that. You deserve to be happy, Harley," Paige whispered softly.

"Nothing can change my mind, but that's fine. I saw what happened with Dad after Mom was gone, and I don't want that for myself." I try controlling the shakiness in my voice. Talking about Mom is still hard somehow, even after years.

"I know." Paige stayed quiet for a moment. "Speaking of your dad, what did he say about you coming home so late? Was he mad?"

"No, he didn't even notice, like always. I think he forgot he has a daughter." I try making it sound like a joke, but it isn't funny. It's the truth.

"I'm sorry. Just know you're always welcome here."

"I appreciate that, Paige." I smile a little. "I'm gonna catch some sleep, I'm pretty tired. I'll see you at school."

"Goodnight, see you at school. Love you."

"Love you more." I smile, and then hang up. I drop myself back on my bed, my eyes staring at the ceiling. I've officially succeeded at pushing away every single boy I've met. Who knew succes would taste so bitter.

𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ~ 𝒛𝒅𝒉Where stories live. Discover now