Chapter Four: I thought I was protecting my own feelings

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With nerves rushing through my body, I walk into the school halls. I don't wanna do this, I don't wanna face people, because everybody will be talking about the break-up, but I know I have to.

Walking as fast as possible, I go to my locker, hoping to meet Paige there. But as I make my way through the halls, I regret coming to school at all. Everyone who walks past me, stares at me or awkwardly looks away. I'm guessing the news about Jonah and I spread even faster than I thought.

As I arrive at my locker, I see Corbyn and Daniel standing in front of theirs. I'm surprised to see them without Jonah, usually those three are inseparable.

I walk up to them, and as they see me approaching, their conversation stops. They stare at me with looks of disgust and anger in their eyes, but that doesn't surprise me.

"Hey, guys." I awkwardly say. "Have you seen Jonah? I really wanna talk to him." I feel guilty about the way things went down yesterday, and even after what happened, I still wanna be friends with him. I'm not sure that's what he wants. By the face expressions of his two best friends, I doubt that.

"Really? You wanna talk to him, after you broke his heart? Didn't think so, Wilson. Not gonna happen," Corbyn scoffed.

I'm startled by the tone in his voice. "I know I handled things wrong, and I'm sorry about that. I just wanna talk to him."

"You played with his feelings, do you really think he wants to talk to you?" Daniel crossed his arms.

"I just wanna apologise again, that's all."

"He doesn't need an apology from you and your slutty behaviour. He's done with you." Corbyn takes a step closer, trying to come across intimidating.

"Don't you dare say that again." I threaten, stepping closer as well. I will not be treated this way.

"We both know it's the truth, Wilson. You're a slut, and now the whole school knows about it, as they should," Daniel scoffed.

"I am not a slut." I say, but it doesn't sound very convincing. Am I? Am I a slut? I thought I did this because I was protecting my own feelings, but what if I'm wrong?

"Do you even believe yourself? Because it doesn't sound like it. It sounds like you know damn well you're not as innocent as you come across as."

Then Corbyn suddenly smiled, but not in a friendly way. "You haven't looked online, haven't you?" He turns to daniel and laughs. "She has no clue what's going on."

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused. I don't like the grins on their faces.

"Everybody knows, Wilson. Everybody now knows who you really are, and we promise you, it's gonna make your life a living hell. We'll make sure of that, because that's what you deserve." And with those words, the two boys walk away.

Confused I run my hand through my hair. What the hell were they talking about?

"Harley!" I suddenly hear Paige yelling, as I see her running towards me. She looks incredibly worried, even panic in her eyes.

I sigh relieved. "Paige! I'm so happy to see you." I quickly throw myself in her arms, relieved to see someone I know won't judge me. "Everybody is staring at me, I guess they all know about the break-up."

Paige slowly pulls away from our hug and now looks deadly serious. "It's not about the break up.." she whispered.

"Then what is it about?" I ask confused.

"I guess you haven't looked online.." she said with pity in her eyes.

"No, I haven't. What's going on?" I ask again.

She slowly takes her phone out of her pocket, and then opens Instagram. "I'm sorry.." she whispered, and then hands me her phone.

A profile is opened, and as I scroll through the pictures posted, my jaw drops. It's a page called 'The truth about Harley Wilson' and it's filled with pictures and videos of me kissing and hooking up with guys. Not only Jonah, but every guy I ever had a thing with. Every private moment I've ever had, is on here, on the internet.

"Don't scroll through the comments.." Paige tries, but it's already too late. I open the comment section, and immediately get nauseous. 'What a nasty slut' and 'That slut deserves to be ran over' are two of the nicer ones.

"What the hell is this?" I'm shocked, unable to move, and sick to my stomach.

"I'm guessing Jonah and his friends made it as revenge. And I think the whole school has seen it."

𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ~ 𝒛𝒅𝒉Where stories live. Discover now